Their Eyes Were Watching God Language Essay

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    with a partner, Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God follows Janie Crawford and her search for identity. Janie’s story begins when she first idealizes the alluring beauty of the reciprocal relation between the bee and the pear tree that sets her to seek the same level of reciprocity with a partner. However, by experiencing and struggling through three relationships, Janie learns to use her voice for her independence and displays how language forms an identity. The route towards

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  • Decent Essays

    Symbolic language abounds in Zora Neale Hurston Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, as the author weaves the evocative narrative of Janie May Crawford and her odyssey toward destiny. Overlaying themes of nature, the supernatural, religion, and mysticism intricately join, providing a rich backdrop against which Hurston narrates Janie’s journey. Huston uses language to illustrate the complexity of Janie May Crawford’s character while applying symbolism to convey Janie’s life story as an archetypal

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  • Decent Essays

    In Zora Neal Hurston’s, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie, the protagonist, goes through a difficult journey of finding herself. She utilizes marriage, love, and her own flare of feminism to figure out her own definition of individuality. Throughout the novel it takes Janie three marriages and a lot of heartache, for her to finally realize what is best for her along with who she truly wants to be. Janie realizes that sometimes she needs to live for Janie. Any one that will deny her of her voice

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  • Decent Essays

    At the surface level, Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God revolves around Janie Crawford’s search for a love, an erotic quest spurred by the sexual awakening and a revelation brought by a blossoming pear tree. However, through her journey, set in a culture where, despite the racism, men, overall dominate, and, as a result, African American women are the mules of the world, Janie endures, refusing to submit to a purposeless life style. Her persistence towards discovering not only a “great

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  • Decent Essays

    Gabrielle Topping July 30, 2017 AP Literature Assignment 2 Zora Neale Hurston’s use of language in Their Eyes Were Watching God effectively creates mood, establishes characterization, and develops themes throughout the novel. Ever since Tea Cake, Janie’s third husband was bitten by a rabid dog, his behavior has been threatening towards Janie’s life. When he points a gun at her, attempting to shoot her, Janie is left with no choice. She aims her rifle at her disease-stricken husband

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  • Decent Essays

    In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston, Hurston, the author uses figurative language to compose images to express her theories on love and freedom and how they affect happiness. Janie Mae Crawford struggles to find the love freedom she has longed for her whole life and finally receives it, due to the loss of Jody Starks and the discovery of Tea Cake. Janie is telling the story of her life to her friend Phoebe and explaining all of the events that lead up to her return to the

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  • Decent Essays

    author of Their Eyes Were Watching God. It tells the story of a young Janie Crawford who goes through life experiencing several different roller coasters of emotions, three of marriages, and the journey of discovering who she is as a woman. A lot of Janie’s story is told by elaborating on the transcendentalist aspects of her life. Throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God Hurston expresses a lot of transcendentalist views by developing the characters, plot, setting, and figurative language. By doing so

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  • Decent Essays

    Tah’jai Graves Mr. Weber Ap Language 26 January 2016 Their eyes were watching God Zora Neale Hurston used elements of folk culture as well as figurative language to create a sense of a community, delineate character, and create atmosphere in her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. She used these tools to her advantage to draw the reader in to believe that they were not just reading the book, but actually experiencing the book as the story progressed, such as if you were in the book with the characters

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  • Decent Essays

    Hurston utilizes Their Eyes Were Watching God to discuss the role of an African American women and her quest of self-discovery. Janie develops from a young girl in search of an over idealized love to an experienced woman in search for peace. In order to display Janie’s journey of self-discovery Hurston paints a picture of the world around Janie through her figurative language and through the development of Janie’s character she provides the reader with a portal into the world of an African American

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    In Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God uses figurative language to demonstrate that love is not always how it seams. Janie Crawford is a young woman trying to find her voice or the first time but counters many obstacles growing up as a child to an adult. Zora Neale Hurston through a world of mss leading of love as well as sadness. The author uses different types of figurative language to describe Janies fairy tail love is not what it really seems to be. Love is not how it always

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