Trojan War Essay

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    The Greek forces won the Trojan War. The story of the war is a cornerstone of Greek legend, and pervaded Greek literature and culture. Though the evidence for the Trojan War as historical fact is scarce, it was a formative event in Greek cultural memory, producing some of the classical world’s most famous heroes and narratives. The War was won, Helen was retrieved from Paris, whose violation of ξενία was redressed, the heroes attained the κλέος that many of them fought for – and yet the positive

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  • Decent Essays

    The Happenings Of The Trojan War. The Trojan War was a conflict fought between the Greeks and the Trojans. The war lasted for ten years and it happened from 1194 to 1184 BC ( war began around 1194 BC, at the time the kings of the rivaling cities were King Priam of Troy, and King Menelaus of Sparta. Furthermore, Priam had several wives at the time having around 50 sons and many daughters, while Menelaus had one wife named Helen and two kids by the name of Hermione and

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  • Decent Essays

    many accounts of the Trojan War differ, the motivation that drove the war remains the same by all accounts, the beauty of Helen of Troy. The Trojan War is proclaimed to be a mission to rescue the most beautiful woman on earth. Being a woman myself, I am very aware of the influential role that a woman plays in a man’s way of thinking and behaving. Can beauty alone be the driving force to sail 1000 ships in its pursuit, 10,000 soldiers in its conquest, and engage in a 10 year long war in its honor? Certainly

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  • Decent Essays

    of the Trojan war differ by Author, the motivation that drove the war remains the same by all accounts, which was the beauty of Helen Of Troy. It is said that the Trojan war was a battle to rescue the most beautiful woman on earth. Being a woman myself I am very aware of the influence that a woman can have on a man’s way of thinking and behaving but can beauty alone be the thriving force to sail 1000 ships in its pursuit, 10,000 soldiers in its conquest, and engage in a 10 year long war in its

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  • Good Essays

    The Trojan War

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    The Trojan War is a somewhat unusual event in Western Civilization, for the simple fact that it is descended from part mythology, and from part history. The war engaged thousands of men besieging the city of Troy, and eventually spawned a number of classic works of literature as well as the lineage of the city and state of Rome as being descended from the largess of the gods (Vergil, 19 B.C). Thus, it is not surprising to find out that the original impetus for the Trojan War began with Olympian gods

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    great city poses. One of the questions at the center of the mystery of Troy that has long plagued historians is whether or not Troy actually existed. The setting for the great epics of Homer, a location that bore witness to one of the most famous wars of all time, that saw the fall of some of history’s greatest heroes; but was any of it real? Is there a historical basis behind the story of Achilles’s rage, Patroclus’s sacrifice, or Hector’s death? When Hienrik Schliemann set out to answer this

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  • Decent Essays

    the Trojan war vary by author, the motivation that drove the war remains the same by all accounts, which was the beauty of Helen Of Troy. The Trojan war is proclaimed to have been a mission to rescue the most beautiful woman on earth. Being a woman myself I am very aware of the influence that a woman can have on a man’s way of thinking and behaving but can beauty alone be the thriving force to sail 1000 ships in its pursuit, 10,000 soldiers in its conquest, and engage in a 10 year long war in its

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  • Decent Essays

    The Trojan War

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    Much of what we know about the Trojan War has come from the Greek poet Homer. Homer’s poem The Iliad, made many people curious about whether the Trojan War really happened and which pieces of his story are true. According to Homer, the Trojan War began as a result of a kidnapping. Prince Paris, the son of the King Priam who ruled over Troy, was sent to Sparta as an ambassador of peace. The king of Sparta, Menelaus, had a beautiful wife, Helen. Prince Paris fell madly in love with Helen—some

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  • Good Essays

    unthoughtful through the ignorance of the Trojans. In Virgil’s story, during the Trojan War, the Greeks have a plan to hide their men inside of a giant wooden horse to get inside the city of Troy. When this enormous gift shows up in Troy, few people are suspicious, and most people want to accept the gift. The men of Troy receive many warnings, but still end up taking the horse into the walls of their city. Laocoön, a Trojan priest, tries to assist the Trojans and tells them, “Men of Troy, what madness

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  • Good Essays

    The Trojan War

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    In the academic group, the authenticity and validity of Homer's Trojan War is both a by and large discussed and faulty topic. There are various adjustments on how the Trojan War started and there are two hypotheses that were dependable. One theory is that The Trojan War was known as the Bronze Age battle among Troy and Mycenaean Greece. Per set up sources, the war began after Queen Helen of Sparta was grabbed by the Trojan sovereign Paris. This provoked Menelaus, Helen's rejected companion, to impact

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