College tuitions is way too high in our country. They say that suny colleges tuitions are cheaper but it's not they are still around $35000 to $60000 that's a lot for a student to take on. There are scholarships that a student can apply for but if you think about it how many students are apply for it that’s a big chance that you don’t get it. If you do get one it’s not even enough to cover your college tuition. The scholarship aren’t for that much say if the scholarship if for 5,000 and the school
Tuition on the Rise: A Cause of Turmoil Today colleges are growing more and more necessary for attaining a solid path towards a successful career, yet the rapidly increasing cost of tuition is driving students away from their dream of attending college, due to the preposterous amount of money that is now being demanded by colleges across the nation and world as a whole. It is sad to see students being turned away from a successful future due to the money-hungry nature of the universities that dot
With the average tuition cost for a four year undergraduate is $5,959 (statistics Canada,2014), for the 2014 to 2015 school year, most people cannot afford to pay that tuition out of pocket. The Canadian and Province governments offer student loans for students but that puts them heavily into debt. The average student debt is between $24,000 and $27,000 (Sagan, 2014, 5). The best way to help students get a good education, so that they can go far in life is to eliminate tuition costs at post-secondary
high school diploma does not meet the requirements that society itself is looking for to accomplish one 's American Dream. Everyone desires and dream to go to college with the hope to be successful; but with the fact that the skyrocketing college tuition is increasing every year might turn those dreams into nightmares. There are many research have been proven that the main factors which cause the high cost of postsecondary education was the lack of funding from government, increase of students as
The sudden rise of college tuitions began right after the recession in 2008. Many people lost their jobs, and their current jobs were not paying well enough for them to survive through this devastating time. More people turned to higher education and college tuition began to rise because obtaining college majors will guarantee a higher pay other than minimum wage. This downturn didn’t end here because over the years, tuition rose even higher. In 2014, the debt for college students reached to 1.2
College tuition should not be free by any means necessary. Students would not take college seriously if there was no price. College students would totally take advantage of the opportunity to go to college for free and completely blow it , it would even the playing field for everyone to be equal because college tuition is what keeps everyone else out. College would then be accessible to anyone who wanted to go. Tuition is put in place for a reason. It shouldn’t be lifted because if it is the government
College Tuition Should Be Free The rising college tuition fees have been a controversial issue in recent times. The impact of this phenomenon on the education levels amongst the populations in nations all over the world is a matter of fact. Most of the affected individuals have been unable to complete their courses because the fees often become exorbitant and therefore deny them the chance to finish. Some studies even note that “college tuition has risen sharply, reaching record highs, and college
College Tuition The cost of college education in the 21st century is absolutely ridiculous. although colleges have to make money to support things like sports, it is making it so more and more kids aren't going to college, and the kids who do go are coming out with huge amounts of debt. People who go to college aren't coming out with the job that they think they deserve, which is leading to lower income, and a harder time paying off their college debt. The first part of this paper is going to
College tuition should not be free in any means necessary. Students would not take college seriously if there was no price. College students would totally take advantage of the opportunity to go to college for free and completely blow it , it would even the playing field for everyone to be equal because college tuition is what keeps everyone else out. College would then be accessible to anyone who wanted to go. Tuition is put in place for a reason. It shouldn’t be lifted because if it is the government
article the average tuition and fees for public Nation Universities have increased since 1985 to 2015 by 296 %( Mitchell). With this ever increasing cost the dream of attending college has become more like a fantasy. Last year’s 2016 presidential campaign debates saw candidates arguing back and forth regarding raising college tuition cost. Some candidates were for free college and some candidates strongly opposed free college tuition. One side argued that free college tuition would help solve some