Running Head: Species Crisis 1 Species Crisis: Baobab (Adansonia) Trees Student Name Institution Abstract The baobab tree of genus Adansonia and family bombacaceae has for a long time established itself not only as one of the tallest trees but also as one of the most ecologically profiting trees. Madagascar however has six of the eight species of the baobab tree and African
(31.00%), Adansonia digitata (4.55%), Piper guineensis (8.75%) and Eugenia caryophyllus (5.60%) (Pandey et al., 2006; Akindahunsi & Salawu, 2005; Gbadamosi et al., 2011), but higher than Nauclea latifolia (0.64%) (Egbung et al., 2011). The RDA for protein is in the range of 28-65 g for children, lactating mothers, pregnant women and adults (Adinortey et al., 2012). The crude fibre value of Pinus gerardiana (8.75%) and Garcinia kola (1.30%) was lower than those of Morinda lucida, Adansonia digitata
oxidative push and adds to the typical arrangement of collagen in the skin. Vitamin C additionally assists with the recovery of vitamin E which secures and repairs your skin. Information about Baobab Oil: Baobab oil is acquired from the seeds of Adansonia tree. This tree is a standout amongst the most trademark trees of Africa, and it is frequently called the upside down the tree since it looks as if it is developing roots upwards. The oil is entirely gooey, with a rich, velvety feel and a gentle
Zhang ,Jian Xin (2005) summarized that China have the richest woody plants of 95 families,338 genera and 1128 species. Kucuk and Erturk (2013) surveyed Protected Areas in Turkey reported that flora and fauna are very rich with a high endemism and wider genetic diversity with more than 90000 species including flora and fauna which cover approximately 9500 vascular plants, 4000 lower plants. Shrestha (2003) presented an appraisal report on Oaks in Himalayan region which are evergreen, mostly