Aldous Huxley

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    driven forward by scientific advances. One such disgruntled novelist, Aldous Huxley, allows his creativity to flourish through his work, spouting a myriad of technological advancements which have allowed society to become utopian. In Brave New World, author Aldous Huxley presents the reader with a fanciful tale of scientific conquest and social upheaval, which ultimately degrades his reputation as a credible scientist. Aldous Huxley, unlike many of his peers, was born into a highly prominent family

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    Aldous Huxley 5

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    When Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in 1931, nobody imagined that his fairytale story would someday be a reality. It is almost scary to see how accurate Huxley's far-fetched fantasies came to be. When Huxley wrote about the conformity, drug use and sex and technology of the society, he was almost pinpoint exact to predicting today's societies. Unfortunately, all of these things haven't exactly changed our society today for the better. It is amazing to see how accurately Aldous Huxley was

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    The Poignant Prophet One could say that Aldous Huxley was born into greatness, or one could also say that his greatness was forged from his experiences. Neither would be wrong. Huxley was a third son born in 1894, into a family that was distinguished on both sides. He was able to attend paid public school and later attended Eton. Huxley suffered three great traumas that affected his life deeply. The first would be the death of his beloved mother in 1908; he would later express this experience in

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    Berkoben English IV 4 November, 2016 The Life of Aldous Huxley What if I told you that one of the greatest writers of all time was on drugs? Well what I am saying is true! That artist’s name is Aldous Huxley. He was born on July 26, 1894. He was born near Godalming, United Kingdom. He grew up with a dad named, Andrew Huxley. His mom died early in his life due to cancer. He was born with a very large family of 4 brothers and 1 sister. Aldous Huxley wrote many famous novels. Like, “Crome Yellow”,”Antic

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    Aldous Huxley, English writer, novelist and philosopher raised in upper class milieus to the end of the 19th century, is considered as one of the most brilliant men of his time, thanks to his great use of intellectual analysis and satire among other resources as a medium for social criticism. His evolution as a writer may be divided into three different phases determined by several changes in his way of thinking or writing: he takes his first steps as a novelist through mysticism, then he falls under

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    is intriguing as it exposes the reader to sometimes unconventional concepts and can also serve as a warning to what may become of society if the wrong path is chosen. In literary works of Brave New World, there are many warnings that the author Aldous Huxley establishes through events that take place in the civilized world. In this dystopian society we can observe that science is the thriving fragment that holds society together but it seems to demoralize and mitigate human morals and values. It is

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    character in Brave New World did whatever they could to avoid facing the truth about their own situations. In this society, happiness is not compatible with the truth because the World State believes that happiness was at the expense of the truth. Aldous Huxley was a man ahead of his time in respect to his development and discussion of the incompatibility of happiness and truth in his 1932 novel, Brave New World. Characters in the Brave New World did everything they could to avoid the truth about their

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    In the novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley was trying to convey the message that a perfect world could never exist despite any effort to control not only society, but all aspects of the lives of human beings. Utopian societies often result in totalitarianism because rulers are so consumed with making a perfect society that they are too controlling. The demolition of a dystopian society is quite inevitable because of human curiosity, which ultimately ends in the uncovering of the lies that a government

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    happy. What if someone were to tell you that what you thought was true happiness was all an illusion. In a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley people in the world state are conditioned and drugged up by soma to not experience true happiness. In a world that is perfect, human beings do not have to depend on drugs to keep our world in balance. In a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley there is always a perfect drug called soma that keeps everyone happy, which they have based their society on. This drug makes

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    Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley in 1932 is known for its social satire, utopian values, and unusual standpoints on stereotypical gender roles. In this time where futuristic technology has completely taken over, and men and women are given the same opportunities for everything, “the genders appear equal within the social order; both men and women work at the same jobs, have equal choice in sexual partners, and participate in the same leisure pursuits” (March 53). Huxley makes for a rather interesting

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