Ali Daei

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    In Sharif University, focus of bachelor program in civil engineering lies on structural engineering. Therefore, it was not until the 7th semester that I was introduced to the flied of transportation. It was then that my whole perception pf academic life changed. I did not care about Micro-Cracks of concrete in plastic state, but I was impressed with the ability to assess value of time, or value of time spent at bus stop for a person with specified characteristic. Therefore, instead of running away

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    Tehran, the capital of Iran, has its highs and lows. It is polluted by everything it encompasses. The city is jam packed with rapid highways, stentorian neighborhoods, and idiosyncratic citizens. City of Lies, written by Ramita Navai, perfectly sums up the way that this cryptic and disturbing city works. The novel follows eight very unique characters on Vali Asr Street who have a connection to the city that changed each of their lives. Each of them have very different backstories and personality

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    They were Umar Ibn Al Khattab, Uthman, and Ali Ibn Abi Talib. During the Caliphate of Ali there was much fighting and eventually the Muslim world fell into civil war. The later Caliphs had nominal control over the Islamic states, but interestingly none of them were brought to power by Shura; they all gained control

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    Challenges Facing the Youth in Today’s Society Most of the problems facing today’s youth are not restricted to any one ethnic or religious group, but affect young people generally. Most discussions on youth have focussed on issues such as drug abuse, crime, violence, sexuality and poverty. In addition to these, today’s youth are afflicted by new challenges. These include: 1. An Identity Crisis: Who am I? 2. Lack of self confidence and low self esteem: I am worthless 3. A sense of hopelessness:

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    She was born 599AD. Her story begins in Makkah when one day her cousin, Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi, ask her head in marriage. The prophet asked Zaynab if she wanted to marry him, and she blushed out of bashfulness and smiled. They had two children named Ali (died during childhood) and Umma. One day when, Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi returned to Makkah from a trip, Zainab announced that her father had become the prophet of Islam and that she and most her family had be come Muslims. The quraysh told Abu al-As ibn

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    After the Brussels massacre that took place on March 22nd, a question of faith rose surrounding the sanctity of the Islamic faith. In an article meant to expose answers to this very question John Kasich brings up a point that when people claim France is at war with Islam, they actually should be referring to radical Islam. This point pulled further controversy as those who were not Islamic began to wonder if the faith condoned suicide bombings in the name of expelling infidels and bringing the

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    When looking at the terrorism that ISIS has endued it has become very evident that a solution needs to be drawn into action. In my opinion the only way to take down this organization is to begin to treat it like the state that it is. A state is defined as: “a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.” ISIS has not only gained territory in Syria, Iraq and Istanbul but according to New York Times columnist, Tim Arango, “ISIS is building a capacity to govern

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    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Sectarianism and militancy has become a major security issue for Pakistan. The history of sectarian conflict in Pakistan is as old as the existence of this country. But the militant culture in Pakistan has been on the rise for more than a decade. Sectarian killings and extremism has posed a serious threat to society. This has not only affected the society but also its institutions. Pakistan has witnessed various trends of militancy from intolerance to extremism, radicalization

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    and was given the popularity of the vote, but Shia believed that the family of the prophet should be the leader. “Shia argued that only Ali was qualified to uphold the spiritual values that underpinned the whole future direction of Islam.” (Rogerson 5) The disagreement of who should be leader grew to the establishment of Shia, who supported Ali. Shia believed that Ali should have been the first caliph instead of Abu Bakr being the first. Shia came to the conclusion that Sunni falsified hadith and Abu

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    As we know after the death of Prophet Mohammad, the Muslim community turned into disorder and people started to wonder what would happen now that he is dead as it was understood that he was the last to come in prophets’ chain and there will be no one coming after him. Many debates began about who should take over all the responsibilities he had as he was the spiritual, legal, political and military leader of the community, so in other words, the debates were whether Muhammad had already appointed

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