American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson, a biography by Joseph Ellis, encompasses many aspects of one of the most controversial and unforgettable American Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and a man of astonishing achievements, left behind a legacy of paradoxes and mysteries, which are thoroughly analyzed throughout the novel. Unlike some people, who are easily characterized and have definite opinions, Thomas Jefferson’s beliefs and intentions
Many books have been written about Thomas Jefferson, the writer of the Declaration of Independence, the first secretary of state the third president of the United States of America, but the majority are biographies. In the book American Sphinx: The True Character of Thomas Jefferson, author, Joseph J. Ellis, writes about the character of Thomas Jefferson, by examining his thoughts, actions, and writings in different periods of his life. Ellis starts off the first chapter of his book with what
“American Sphinx: The character of Thomas Jefferson” A book by Joseph J. Ellis. Copyright 1997 Vintage. Joseph J. Ellis, a historian who was educated at the College of William and Mary and Yale, is a Ford Foundation Professor of History at Mount Holyoke University. He has written four books on historical topics, centered on the time Jefferson was alive, dealing with issues and personalities Jefferson dealt with firsthand. After authoring
American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson was published in 1996 by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Joseph J. Ellis. American Sphinx is not just another biography of Thomas Jefferson. As the subtitle implies, this book is more of a character study of Thomas Jefferson, rather than just a list of his achievements, both positive and negative. As a character study, this book served to dive where none have gone before: deep within the psyche of Thomas Jefferson. In this book, Ellis describes Jefferson’s
The history presented by Ellis Joseph in American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson concerning Jefferson’s life, including his drafting of the Declaration of Independence, diplomatic experiences in Paris, domestic time spent at Monticello, terms of presidency, and final years, clarify the development of his character and political views. Reoccurring themes of Jefferson’s character include his timid and conflicting demeanor, shown from his fright of public speaking and attention, his use of
The pivotal political decisions in the young American republic of the late 18th century were made by a select few leaders. These forerunners knew each other at a personal level, and their gregariousness had a remarkable impact on the choices they made in the future. In the words of an accomplished historian and a biographer, Joseph Ellis, these crucial decisions with an astounding aftermath came about “in a sudden spasm of enforced inspiration and makeshift construction” (3). In addition, in his
government that the world had not yet seen has amazed the masses of future generations to this day. What is even more mystifying is the men behind the foundation of the United States; such men as Gen. George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and many more. These men have been elevated to an almost god like status, intellectuals who just knew how and what to
heroines is Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence. Apart from the
Thomas Jefferson was the third president of The United States of America and one of the most influential founding fathers in American history. Thomas was born in Shadwell in Albemarle County, Virginia in 1743. His father Peter Jefferson was a well respected planter in Virginia. Not much is said about Jefferson 's early life due to the Shadwell fire. The Shadwell fire destroyed many of Jefferson 's person recollections in 1770 leaving much of his early history and his development into an American
Joseph Ellis has written a very readable and concise synopsis on the life of George Washington. Though more recognizable for his works "Founding Brothers" and "American Sphinx" (about Thomas Jefferson), Ellis successfully undertakes the task of illuminating probably the most important figure in American history. Ellis describes some of the key accomplishments of Washington’s Presidency, including his successful handling of the 1793 which helped expand America’s western territories. He supported