Americans for Gun Safety Foundation

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    America Doesn't Need Gun Control at Gun Shows Gun control has been a highly debated issue for several years. In the past this debate has led to the passage of gun control legislation, the most prominent bill being the Brady Bill. However, the national legislation concerning gun control only applies to licensed gun dealers. This has left a huge gun control loophole at the national level, because unlicensed dealers and private collectors are not required to conduct background checks on

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    Widespread gun violence has a tremendous impact on American citizens’ opinion on gun control. There has been a great deal of gun violence within the United States for decades. The implementation of successful, tolerable gun control has been halted by the debate between gun advocates and victims of gun violence. Law-makers must find a way to keep American citizens safe while also abiding by the 2nd amendment. Mallory Simon, writer and senior producer of online presentations for CNN, reported on

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    small vote for the NRA. They're good citizens. They call their Congressmen. They write. They vote. They contribute. And they get what they want over time.(qtd. in The NRA is indeed all of these things, with programs to benefit a variety of Americans, sponsorship of one of Americas oldest sports, and as an organization that will stand up for its political beliefs regarding the Second Amendment. ( Formed in 1872 when military leaders were disappointed with the marksmanship of their

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    small vote for the NRA. They're good citizens. They call their Congressmen. They write. They vote. They contribute. And they get what they want over time.(qtd. in The NRA is indeed all of these things, with programs to benefit a variety of Americans, sponsorship of one of Americas oldest sports, and as an organization that will stand up for its political beliefs regarding the Second Amendment. ( Formed in 1872 when military leaders were disappointed with the marksmanship of their

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    Gun Control For many years the controversial topic of gun control has sparked countless passionate debates. The arguments posed in these debates vary widely concerning the possible solutions to solving the problem of violent crime due to the possession of firearms. This paper introduces three different views concerning gun control. The first illustrates the freedom to own firearms. The second view advocates the complete restriction of firearms owned by citizens, and the last one presents a modified

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    2nd Hour GUN CONTROL There has been a long debate about gun control in the United States. Some people believe that guns should be outlawed because they are dangerous. The Second Amendment states that everyone has the right to own a gun. The right to own firearms was included in the U.S. Constitution to be certain that citizens were given this individual freedom. The Peu Foundation reports that 79% of males and 80% of female gun owners say that they need a gun for self defense. If we have guns, we can

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    The gun-control groups with this kind of money are newer, and they’re just starting to figure it out.” She added, “How that will play out remains to be seen.” A Grassroots Game Gun-control advocates have started to model themselves after their biggest rival, the NRA, by closely tracking — and weighing in — on gun laws at the state level. On the federal level, gun-rights groups, led by the National Rifle Association (NRA), spent roughly twice what gun-control groups spent on national political campaigns

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    The National Rifle Association is an American non-profit organization that has been around for over one hundred years. It is a large organization with approximately 5 million members and is run by 84 leaders: 64 board members, one consultant, 17 lobbyist, 15 senior staff and 4 spokespersons. There are 9 women and 73 men apart of the NRA leaders. The executive vice president and chief executive officer is Wayne LaPierre, an author and a gun rights advocate who was elected to the board in 1991. The

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    Anderson Composition English 101 12/5/16 Guns Are Needed in America The Constitution of the United States gives the reason why Americans can own guns; “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (Amendment II). The Second Amendment of the Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791 because the Founding Fathers of the United States of America understood that guns were necessary for hunting, protection

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    People who argue that we should have more gun control focus on things that are not the true issue. I believe that our Society needs to protect its selves due to recent shortage in public safety. If there is any type of emergency, officers response time can mean life and death. Our current gun laws are unclear and can be misinterpreted. A part of our society should not bear arms because of their past offenses, but I believe that we should not make the foundation of our arguments, the irresponsible people

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