Schools must demonstrate anti-discriminatory practice and monitor ways that positive practice impacts on the education and wellbeing of the children and young people. Every member of staff is responsible for ensuring that anti-discriminatory practice is endorsed in school and to identify when discrimination occurs. The Children Act 2004 requires early years and other childcare facilities to promote an anti-discriminatory practice within that setting and requires all adults who work with children
Leeanne Norman Task 2 Anti-discriminatory practice Contents * An explanation of how national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice (P4) * A description of how ant-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care (P5) * An assessment of the influence of a recent national policy initiative promoting anti-discriminatory practice (M2) * A discussion of the difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care
Anti-discriminatory Practice Human rights act 1998 This is useful within the UK because lays down the law which every individual is entitled too. These rights give us freedom. They may affect many things such as the rights to live and the rights to die also the rights we use in everyday life. National initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice so issues are prevented from happening. Freedom from torture and degrading treatment – This mean treatment causing severe mental or physical
This essay will consider the prominence of anti-judgemental and anti-discriminatory practice through the examination of the chosen article “‘Queer’ treatments: giving a voice to former patients who received treatments for their sexual deviation” by Dickinson, Cook, Playle and Hallett (2012). The three significant messages highlighted are the harmful medical practice utilised on the patients, the criminalisation of homosexuality until 1967 (Dickinson 2010) and the lack of autonomy of nursing profession
national initiatives promote anti discriminatory practices. Legislation is set by the government to regulate how care services are run nationally. Each service has a different charter or set of responsibilities that enable it to understand its roles and responsibilities. The client’s rights are also set in law. This way the client knows his/her rights and can complain if services are not up to standard. General Social Care Council The council has codes of practice that are written in law to help
Promoting anti-discriminatory practice Introduction: In this assignment, I will be describing how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. I will discuss difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings and justify ways of overcoming difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings. P5- Describe describing how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted
respect or regard him or her as an elderly person. As a result of this, it can make it difficult for the successfulness of anti-discriminatory practices in the workplace. Also, the lack of education and awareness of others culture and beliefs is a difficulty in implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings. For example, staff did not see the need of including halal meal in a care home menu that has a Muslim resident. This is simply because the health care staffs lack
emphasizes the fact that social work is a value based practice, which makes understanding what values are and how to constantly apply them in practice even more important to ensure a safe and secure environment free of discrimination
How Anti-Discriminatory Practice is Promoted in Health and Social Care Settings The Active Promotion of Anti-Discriminatory Practice In health and social care, four key Ethical Principles that are taken into account during these settings. Which are: 1. Justice - This is when people should be treated fairly, despite their background. 2. Autonomy - When the person’s choices are being respected. 3. Beneficence - This would involve risks and costs and health and social care service provider should
Health and Social Care In this essay I am going to explain how the Equality Act (2010) P4 and assess how the act promotes anti-discriminatory practice M2. I will also be evaluating how successful the Equality Act (2010) is in promoting anti-discriminatory practise.D1 The Equality Act (2010) is thought to be one of the most significant acts in promoting anti discriminatory behaviours by both employers and companies along with the rest of society. The Equality Act (2010) covers the Sex discrimination