Artificial insemination

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    Artificial Insemination in mares has been around for quite some time. Some of the first Artificial Insemination programs for horses were set up at the end of the 19th century. AI practices have been around much longer than that, since it is used in other animal species. Artificial insemination programs for equine animals aren’t as advanced because it wasn’t such a high priority to people back in the day to AI their horse, they would just naturally breed them. It also wasn’t such a high priority because

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    social reproductive rights since, in particular artificial insemination, have become mainstream phenomena in the recent decade with a focus on rights of women. In fact, doctors have experimented with the procedure for nearly a century. However, with the women¹s liberation movement of the 1970s, physician-assisted and self-insemination has become more and more popular among heterosexual career women and lesbians. The Origins of Artificial Insemination She was a Quaker. The wife of a merchant

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    Artificial Insemination

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    After all the preparation has been done to ensure the area is clean, the insemination gun should be loaded with semen and allowed to sit in a sterile environment. Having the gun full before palpation begins allows for the process to pass much more quickly. If one were to wait until after palpating to load the gun, the technician would have to stand and wait with their hand inside the mare before they could begin work. Situations such as these allow for safety and effectiveness. Nervous, irritated

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    Artificial Insemination 4

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    2009 BIOETHICS ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION A. Historical Milleu of the development of the bioethical issue The reproductive revolution is upon us. The past half-century has seen the development of reproductive technologies previous generations could not even imagine. The term reproductive technology refers to various medical procedures that are designed to alleviate infertility, or the inability of a couple to produce a child of their own. These include artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization

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    also encompasses artificial embryo selection in which humans actively select embryos with have the genes for the phenotypic traits they desire in the offspring. Throughout history horses have been selectively bred to work for and with humans, beginning over 3000 years ago – before humans knew about genetic heritability. Many horses are bred to perform better on the racetrack, however this comes at a cost for the individual horses. Artificial Insemination: Artificial insemination (AI) is a technique

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    Artificial insemination are types of fertility procedure that can help a couple conceive a child. It is often used when the men have problems of fertility or when the mother don´t have a man with whom to have a baby. Artificial insemination places the sperm into the woman's uterus at the time of ovulation. (Nivin Todd, MD, 2008, Infertility and Artificial Insemination). Science considers this technique something innovative and humanistic, because it helps women to conceive, however, the reality is

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    Those who want to have a biological connection to one, or both, parents, sometimes turn to surrogacy as an alternative to surrogacy (Glazer 98). What is surrogacy? Surrogacy is the process by which a woman carries a child conceived (through donor insemination or in virto fertilization (IVF)) with her egg or an egg donor’s egg and a man’s sperm, to be raised by that man alone or by that man and his male or female partner (Ehrensaft 4). In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the primary ART procedure in which

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    Brief description of technology Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) refers to the technology used to assist human reproduction for individuals who are infertile (inability to conceive after trying for at least 12 months). Assisted Reproductive Technologies are categorized as HardwareThere are a variety of assisted reproductive technologies that are used to help couples reproduce: • In vitro fertilization (IVF) – this is fertilization outside of the body. IVF is the most effective and the most

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    Artificial insemination is a method of reproduction that allows beef producers to use bulls that have superior genetics at an affordable price. Many producers of purebred and commercial beef cattle profitably use artificial insemination in their cow herds and utilize artificial insemination to control traits such as calving ease, milk production, and feed efficiency. Take my family for example; every year we sync our show heifers’ estrus cycles together and artificially inseminate them. Artificial

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    Surrogate Motherhood Essay

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    Surrogate Motherhood: Good or Bad?      There are many controversies surrounding the idea of surrogate motherhood, by its definition, it is a course of action that goes outside natural reproduction. Although surrogacy was first brought up in the bible it is only until recently that it has actually become an issue for criticism and debate. Factors such as the growth of infertility in modern society, coupled with the declining number of children available for adoption, and

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