Audience Analysis: Characteristics of my Classroom Audience Audience analysis is described as the process of examining information about your listeners. Then using that analysis helps you adapt your message so that your listeners will respond as you wish (Steven A. and Susan J. Beebe, 2015). It is highly important to read your audience when presenting a speech, the first thing I noticed about my classroom audience was everyone has a good sense of humor and were open minded as to what they might be
Below is a brief explanation of the characteristics that make up each target audience, and the analysis of the ways the messages were designed for each target audience. Briefly explain the characteristics that make each target audience distinct: For the “President Obama talks to pre kindergarten students” video, the characteristics of the audience are pre kindergarten students between four and five. They is also a mix of cultures and nationalities. Lastly, they seem to all like and feel comfortable
speech? There are many factors to take into account when becoming an effective speaker. First, I need to make sure that I am audience-centered. This means that I will need to “keep the audience foremost in mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation.” This means that I need to take into consideration the demographic and situational factors. Demographic audience analysis is when I focus the audience’s demographic factors such as age and gender. For example, when doing a presentation in
In this weeks discussion on intended audience I did not receive any replies that I felt were helpful toward my understanding, so I looked at the other students feed back. They supported the same thoughts that I had, which were that the “target audience” means a group or type of people that are trying to be reached by a writer/author. After reading the other students feedback I reevaluated my work realizing that I was missing the basic point and the reason I was not understanding the discussion topic
Audience Analysis 1 In this audience analysis, I have addressed a situation in which I am called on to present quarterly sales information at an in-person meeting to a group of stakeholders, including managers, salespeople, and customers. I will explain how I will address the communication to this audience by answering the following questions: (1) What characteristics of the audience must I consider?, (2) What communication channels are appropriate? (3) What are some considerations
Audience Analysis Paper Have you ever been sitting in a big crowd of people listening to a speaker and you look around and see that no one is paying attention or has any interest in what the person is talking about? That speaker probably wasn’t very good because they did not include the key part to public speaking in their speech which is analyzing the audience. “Effective public speaking requires that a speaker considers the various characteristics of the audience and utilize insights from that
Supplement Assignment: Captive Audience Before I began managing, I spent years focusing on marketing and how I could engage customers. During this time, much of my time was spent brainstorming strategies to pull the customer in, make them stop what they were doing, and actively listen. Collectively engaging an audience, all in one setting, is an outreach member’s dream, such as captive audience speeches. Captive audience can be easily be explained as a meeting that the listener’s onlookers have no
to a general audience, and also to those who are curious about Stephen King’s ideologies and writing inspirations. They are also using humor in the video with the animation, which allows for more accessibility to those who are interested in Stephen King’s work, or who are casual viewers. When King makes a joke with the interviewer, a humorous animation accompanies it. When King is providing a powerful or meaningful piece of dialogue, the words in the
3:00 – 3:50 September 17, 2016 Audience Analysis Paper When it comes to writing and presenting a speech, the audience is a big factor to account for. Who are you speaking to? How do you grab their attention? Where, when, and why are you speaking to these people? There are a lot of things to consider when there is a presentation to be given. When analyzing an audience, there is a process in which to go about doing so. First, identify the characteristics of your audience, whether demographic or situational
creating a harmonious effect between your design choices. Equally important, you immediately established rapport by addressing the Seaside Residents personally. According to Kolovou (2015), " Credibility in the eyes of the audience is built by the level of customization and audience analysis the speaker has done" (Building Credibility, 1:46). It is clear you adhered to this principal in developing your script and material associated with your