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    its healthy population of bats. They are helpful to have around. Just one little brown bat, one of the most common bats in Montana, can eat 1,200 nocturnal insects an hour. Think of the mosquitoes that could be managed by a healthy population of bats. They also help control beetles, leafhoppers, fleas and moths. Montana has 15 known species of bats. Some of the bats are migratory bats. One of interesting things about the bats and migration in Montana is that some bats migrate to stay and winter

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    Bats are the only mammals that are capable of continuous flight and live all across the world except in Antarctica. The reason that there are no bats in Antarctica is because they live in areas in moderate climates, so they avoid extreme deserts or Polar Regions. They also make up about one fourth of mammals, with around 1,000 species. They primarily eat night flying insects, which makes them a great contributor of pest control. However, the minority of bats consumes nectar, fruit, blood, and other

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    Honduran White Bat Essay

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    wikipedia article Honduran White bat, the Honduran white bat is in the mammalian class. One main qualification of being a mammal is having hair or fur. The Honduran white bat has thick white fur that covers most of their body except their wings, ears, nose, and feet; this fur can also be a very light grey (Honduran white bat). Another feature of being mammal is having mammary glands in order to feed the young milk(Mammal).According to the Wikipedia article Bats all bats do produce milk that provides

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Learned About Bats Here are some things I know about bats. Bats are nocturnal, which means they are active at night. They use echo location. Bats aren’t very good with their eyesight, they’re nearly blind! So for this they use their hearing, which is echo location. With echo locations bats send out a sound which spreads out, other animals in the location have these sounds bounce off their body going back to the bat. Which then helps the bats find prey or help with their motion of direction. Bats are also

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Mega Bat Research Paper

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    Bats are nocturnal so they only come out in the night. There are 1,240 types of bats. Of the 1,240 types of bats, only about 70% are insectivores. The rest are fruit eater, or frugivores. There is a few species that feed from animals other than insects. There is two sub orders of bats there are mega bats and micro bats. Mega bats are the one that eat fruits. The micro bats are the highly specialized bats that use echolocation. Bats are found all around the world except really extreme cold weather

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    Bat Guano Research Paper

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    Bats aren’t dangerous creatures by nature, but that doesn’t make them everyone’s favourite houseguests. Living with bats brings potentially harmful side effects. Find out more about bat infestation dangers that could harm your household, and learn what to do if you have bats living in your home. 1. Bat Guano Are you wondering how dangerous it is to have bat guano in the attic? It’s one of the biggest consequences of finding bats in the home because their droppings contain several harmful viruses

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  • Decent Essays

    endangered known as the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis). The Indiana bat is a medium-sized species of bat that has a close resemblance to that of the little brown bat. The Indiana bat is most commonly found around the great lakes region. In the summer time the Indiana bat can usually be found in a forested habitat. While in the winter they are known to hibernate as colonies in caves (Wildlife Department 2011). Upon researching this species, I came across some reasons the Indiana bat is endangered. The most

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    High pitch sound deterrents are the popular way in repelling the bats and they are used not only for bats but for other pesky animals as well. These high-frequency machines are transmitting the noise that only bats can hear, but they will soon become immune to the sound and completely will ignore it. Another wrong method against bats, you can only lose your money on these machines, they are just not worth it. Even the Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning against these devices, describing

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  • Decent Essays

    1. For the bat call citizen science project, the theme was that of deciphering bat calls, with the objective of figuring if it was a bat or insect call or mechanical noise. We listened to a small audio clip and used its visual representation, what is called a spectrogram, to help classify bat calls. We did it in three steps. The first step was to vertically mark the frequency of a sound, then highlight horizontally any individual bits of sound, and then consult the field guide to identify the sound

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    Aluminum Bats vs. Wooden Bats Essay

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    Aluminum Bats vs. Wooden Bats      Is baseball America’s pastime? For the major leaguers maybe, but for college athletes it seems more like a new age video game. The introduction of high dollared aluminum bats produce football like scores, higher statistics, and a percentage of danger to each and every player on the field. The NCAA has changed the regulations of the bats so far and should look further into to making another change to wooden bats.      High tech aluminum baseball bats aren’t

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