At first glance, Dr. Brenda DoHarris’ Calabash Parkway appears to be a novel about a Guyanese woman meeting an old friend from her native land, in New York, after several years. Upon further reading, the novel has resilient records of feminism in the protagonists Agatha, Evadne, and Gwennie. The three are emasculated by poverty, neglect, and abuse. Living in a masculinized country the three women refuse to succumb to their struggles of life. These powerless characteristics of the three young women
Book Review Calabash Parkways by Brenda Chester DoHarris. Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Brenda Chester DoHarris, Calabash Parkway, Bowie, Maryland: Tantaria Press, 2005, pp.158. ISBN 0-9770728-0-0 Author Brenda DoHarris was born and raised in colonial Guyana, and later immigrated to US where she now resides and works as an English professor at the Bowie State University, in Bowie Maryland. She graduated from Columbia University and went on to receive
to Tituba’s prayers. She says to Tituba. “There’s no need to be frightened, Tituba. Misfortune, as you know, is our constant companion. We are born with it, we lie with it, and we squabble with it for the same breast. It eats the codfish from our calabash. But we’re tough, us n*****s! And those who want to wipe us off the face of the earth will get their money’s worth. Out of them all, you’ll be the only one to survive” (pg 85). Here, through Condé’s use of two specific literary devices, Mama Yaya’s
chicken (stock and thigh); cassava; calabash; potato (red); plantain; lemon (juice); salt; and, pepper. Notwithstanding the fact that these ingredients are customarily used to make the Cuban version of chicken soup, these same ingredients were not all domesticated in the region that Cuba is located in. For example, Cuba is located in the Caribbean region. Out of the thirteen (13) ingredients mentioned, only one ingredient is native to said region – calabash. Furthermore, as the case with other
of a Calabash tree and his body is buried with his brothers. This Calabash tree bore no fruit until the head of One Hunahph is inserted in its branches, and produced an abundant amount of fruit. This clearly is representative of the Garden of Eden, when God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, and the immaculate conception of Mary when Jesus was born. The Blood Women is being depicted as that in the same as Eve. Blood Women 's father told her not to eat from the Calabash tree
religion was derived from John the Baptist. This religion is a system of beliefs and practices e.g. baptism, pilgrimages, thanksgiving and mourning. Some of the items used within this religion include the shepherd rod, cross, tariya, lothar, water, calabash, flowers, candles and candle sticks, incense and bell. It also involves being filled with the spirit, shouting, speaking in unknown tongues, ringing of bells, and providing spiritual assistance to those in need (Peza, 1999). To the
character is. This has been done through what Sherlock Hound is wearing. This can be illustrated briefly by Smith (2012), “the character Meitantei Holmes is presented as an anthropomorphized dog wearing a deerstalker and Inverness cape and with a calabash between his lips” (Smith, 2012, online).
Anthropologist are known to play devil's advocate, to accumulate knowledge on a global scale and to ultimately make the familiar strange and the strange familiar. Their whole purpose is to study the language, traditions and customs of societies so knowledge on how humanity has developed over time may be advanced. Cultural anthropologists use a wide range of techniques in order to reach an insightful understanding of human behavior in a specific culture. Cultural Anthropologists play a vital role
It is difficult to argue whether strategy is an art form or science because it can actually be both. Sun Tzu’s text, “The Art of War” is an example of an ancient humanism text about strategies of war. Humanism by definition is, “an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems”(Dictionary
hope. At the Gates holds the mood of faith and reliance. The narrator does not know where he is, but he remains dependent of God and knows that he will be alright as long as he knows he is doing it for Him. He states in the poem, “I will drink this calabash for it is god’s gift to me…”. Another example is “...give me an offering that I will give to God and he will be happy.” The mood helps readers view the emotion and purpose distributed throughout the story, and symbolism is another