Neil Doan CMST A110 9/18/2017 Marijuana Informative Speech Outline Introduction Ⅰ. I love to experience new things since I was a little guy - not because I want to show up to anyone but the more I experienced, the more I feel accomplished. I started off by doing all the little things that I have never experienced then comes bigger things. I don’t call jumping out of a plane or doing something to embarrass yourself is a smart thing to experience. About 10 months ago, I tried something new that
Teen Drug Abuse I. Introduction A. 10 to 14 percent of people that try marijuana become addicted. B. When people try heroin they think they will not get hooked, but 85% of them do. C. Cocaine is a drug that most don’t think is addictive, when in all reality it is very addictive. D. Methamphetamine is a very strong stimulant, and also very addictive. E. Many teens are using and abusing drugs thinking that they are safe and not harmful. II. Marijuana A. Some people who smoke marijuana get addicted
Cannabis has been arguably an epitome of controversy for several decades in regards to its psychoactive yet therapeutic benefits. Particularly, the use of cannabis has become socially widespread and encompasses the notion of a renewable resource with a variety of functions (Atakan, 2012). However, political and societal indifferences have led to the central dogma associated with cannabis such as there’s no medicinal, economical, industrial, or even scientific benefits. Interestingly enough, fixed
Cannabis is a particular species of flowering plant in the family of Cannabaceae. It contains chemical components like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol, cannabinol, tetrahydrocannabivarin that causes mental and physical impact on human beings when consumed directly or indirectly. The prolonged litigation and restrictions imposed against the use and consumption of cannabis associated is in the fact that cannabis cannot be included in the family of herbal plants like basil, neem, aloe vera which
The Cannabis Wellness Center | Industry and Competitor Analysis | * Introduction The Cannabis Wellness Center will provide services/products to customers who are medically certified. To qualify as a medically certified candidate you must have your physician certify that you have an eligible condition. Your physician will certify you if you suffer from severe chronic pain, painful peripheral neuropathy, intractable nausea/vomiting, severe anorexia/cachexia, hepatitis C infection currently
different fields and people’s natural right to grow it, it has become a highly debated case. Two scholars, Rodriguez-Leyva and Pierce, described people the benefit and nutritional value of hemp: hemp, also known as Cannabis sativa L., belongs to the Cannabaceae family, and it is used widely in food, fiber, medicine and drugs. Hempseed has an abundance of nutrition such as a large amount of protein and Vitamin E. Most importantly, it contains many different kinds of necessary amino acids while producing
Marijuana is a cannabaceae plant, which has always been associated with negative connotations until recently, when it has been discovered that this plant may be used to cure diseases and improve a country economy. Thus, the American opinion is split on the question of “Marijuana Legalization”. In fact, a survey undertaken by CNN/ORC International Poll states that 55 % of Americans believe that the use of marijuana should be legal, while only 44 % think it should be illegal (CNN). I also share the
According to government surveys, about 25 million Americans have smoked marijuana in the past year. More than 14 million do it regularly. (NORML: Working to Reform Marijuana Laws, 2015) Marijuana has been the topic of much discussion these past decades. The main factor of discussion is whether or not to legalize it and the outcome it would have on the states. Some states have already legalized but for medicinal purposes only. Much research has come out in this decade that marijuana just isn’t for
health, but I want you to ponder on the thought of my statement and why I might believe that cannabis has a negative effect on your health. First what is cannabis? according to cannabis also known as “Cannabis sativa, is a species of the Cannabaceae family plants” and “contains the chemical compound THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), which is believed to be responsible for most of the characteristics psychoactive effects of cannabis.” Furthermore, what is health? according to Merriam-Webster
The Cannabis Debate The cannabis debate has never been a straightforward one. At the beginning of the 21st century, perceptions and preconceptions about cannabis and its uses have never been more blurred. Some see cannabis as a menace to society whilst others see it as a useful source of fibre, food and medicine. Doctors and scientists spend millions investigating its medicinal value yet for every positive piece of research, there is a negative. (Brownlee, 2003)