Introduction: Hook, background information, title of the works, and thesis statement Body Paragraph 1: Explain how the hero’s courage embodies the definition of a hero Body Paragraph 2: Explain how the hero’s outstanding achievements embody the definition of a hero Body Paragraph 3: Explain how the hero’s noble qualities embody the definition of a hero Body Paragraph 4: Explain why others would be wrong to believe the other hero is the better example Conclusion: Rephrase your thesis and main
Muggle middle school, so I was pleased to delve directly into some deep research. I ended up choosing Cetus (The Whale/The Sea Monster) as my favorite constellation. The mythology behind it is fascinating, and I like the fact that it goes by two different common names. Cetus is located in the celestial area known as The Sea, along with other water based constellations such as Aquarius and Pisces. Cetus is not a zodiac constellation, but it is located very near the equatorial elliptic that defines them
protect all of the animals that lived within, especially from Cetus. Cetus was a rather large sea monster, that killed almost anything in its path. Not only did Cetus kill the animals, but a few years back, it killed Alithea’s younger brother, Adonis. After the incident, if Alithea even heard the name Cetus, she would fill with rage and anger. Ever since the day that Alithea’s brother died, she said if she ever got the chance, she would kill Cetus, to end all the madness once and
She got chained to a rock and as the sea monster arrived Perseus arrived, flying down on the winged sandals Hermes gave him. He had just slayed Medusa and had her head in a bag, which he used to turn Cetus into stone. Perseus then took the beautiful, and alive, Andromeda to be his bride and queen.Because she was queen she was honored in the stars forever. There once was a beautiful girl born to a poor family who had so much love for her, as she was
dearest attendants Shall certainly keep the suitors coming.” No sooner exhaled than did great Hermes appear, Bearing dreadful news to all who would hear. For such blasphemy spoken against the Sea King’s ear, The kingdom would surely face the wrath of Cetus, The worst of prawns that the god could bid appear. “But were you, oh mortals, to tether your daughter there At high tide in three nights’ time, Upon the highest rock standing over the pit of despair, The kingdom would certainly be spared.” Thus
Euphrates River, and stumbled onto the shore by fish. Aphrodite had hatched out of the egg by the help of doves and as a way to make restitution; she placed the fish into the night sky. Pisces is surrounded by the northeast portion of Aquarius and Cetus, which is placed on northwest side of the constellation. This is because the vernal equinox is based on the constellation and that it is moderately moving aimlessly underneath the western fish that is towards Aquarius. There are many ways to recognize
The constellation of Andromeda is pretty interesting. Not only does it share it's name with the galaxy closest to the Milky Way, it is also one of the 48 constellations listed by the Greco-Roman astronomer, Ptolemy. It is said that this constellation is ten times the size of Crux, the smallest constellation, and a little over half the size of Hydra, the largest constellation. The brightest of Andromeda's stars, Alpha Andromedae -a binary star- is also shared by the constellation Pegasus. Andromeda
When fields of science are being discussed, most people are going to immediately think of fields like biology, chemistry, and physics. It is quite strange that these fields are the most popular. This is because biology, chemistry, and physics can be combined into one single field. That field would be astronomy. While most may think that astronomy is just viewing stars through a telescope, there is an immense amount of more complicated ideas associated with astronomy. What with the fastest speeds
There is a clear difference in the largest apparent magnitude between the two locations. Out of the six constellations the faintest star in Myakka City between the two nights was 46 Cet in the constellation Cetus (Table I & Table II). 46 Cet has an apparent magnitude of 5.00 (Table II). According to Globe at Night, the faintest star visible should have an apparent magnitude of 6.5 and Light Pollution Maps shows that the faintest star should have an apparent magnitude of 6.0 – 6.49. Both websites
Nereid, who are sea water spirits and said to be extremely beautiful. The spirites, insulted, told this to Poseidon who, to punish Cassiopeia for her insolence, sends a sea monster named Cetus to Aethiopia. To get rid of that monster, Cassiopea went to see an oracle. The only solution the oracle came with to calm Cetus and make him go away was for Cassiopeia to sacrifice her daughter Andromeda. She was then tied to a rock, but eventually saved by Perseus, who then became his husband. Poseidon wasn't