Charismatic Movement

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    Paul Basden begins his conversation on worship by seeking to define its meaning. However, the reader will learn quickly that this task is easier said than done. Basden examines worship through theological, biblical, and historical facets and ultimately determines that “Worship has never been practiced in all places by all people in one way (18). In order to discuss the various types of worship in a congenial way, Basden introduces six authors that are charged with defending and critique each other’s

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    One movement in particular is the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement. Although this movement is rooted in ancient history, the last 100 years the movement has made great strides (Molloy, 2009). The Pentecostals have faith in the emotional backing of Christian worship. They believe the Holy Spirit manifests through them using miraculous

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    issue is evangelism, specifically the 1957 Billy Graham New York Crusade. After World War II (1940s), mass evangelism began to rise again. During this era, religious awakening became important movement, especially Youth ministry. Billy Graham, who was the director of original Youth for Christ evangelical movement, filled the empty churches with evangelical wave of evangelism and revivalism. Originally he was sponsored by fundamentalists, but he changed the policy with the New York Crusade to receive

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    Sigmund Freud, Charles Goring, Earnest Hooton, Ernst Kretsschmer, William Sheldon, Eleanor Glueck, B.F. Skinner, Albert Bandura, and Emile Durkheim (Hagan, 2002). In the early 20th century A.D., a new movement from the reformed Protestants emerged – the Charismatic movement in 1900’s. This Charismatic movement shows the re-emergence of Pentecostalism. Pentecostalism re-emerged because of the claim of the proponents that Pentecostalism really began right after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ

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  • Decent Essays

    The second major movement occurred during the neo-charismatic renewal of the 1960s. Pentecostalism began to gain acceptance and respect in the white-middle class in part to a change in attitude of social mobility, greater disposable income and suburbanization due to the economic boom following World War II. Alister McGrath attributes the specific event to an even in Van Nuys, California in 1960. McGrath writes: The rector of the local Episcopalian church, Dennis Bennett, told his congregation that

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  • Better Essays

    leadership was his ability to adapt to whatever leadership style was necessary for any specific scenario. He could be a transformational leader if people needed to be mobilized, a servant leader when followers needed to be led by example, or a charismatic leader when he gave any one of his plethora of monumental speeches. Not only could MLK perform in each of these leadership roles, but he excelled at them. Dr. King was one of the greatest, most versatile leaders ever. We will discuss why in the

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    The modern context The above two theories have largely shaped the conversation around charismatic leadership, providing the theory with context and testable characteristics. The two theories, along with other research in the leadership model, have revived the trait-based approach to leadership. Since charismatic leadership is linked with personal traits and the transformation of subordinates, the current conversation around the model often links it with transformational leadership theory. Both of

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  • Decent Essays

    Choi (2006) enumerates the three “core components” of charismatic leadership: envisioning, empathy, and empowerment and notes that these three are “evident in the [leader’s] interactions with followers” (p. 26). Another vital part of the charismatic leader’s “bag of tricks” is his or her ability to communicate. Inspirational speeches have a way of stirring followers and affixing the ideas of the leader in the minds of the followers. For example, few can forget Ronald Reagan’s stirring speech

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    Numerous of leaders especially in the church are considered charismatic. Before the 1980’s, charisma was not a major topic of discussion. The Charismatic approach is measured to reflect a particular kind of leader. They are usually strong self-confident individuals that portray competency. Their followers tend to mimic the goals and leadership style of the charismatic leader. They are gifted in articulating their ideas, “plans and goals to others while creating an ambiance that says, do as I

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  • Good Essays

    Running head: CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP STYLE Leadership Styles: Charismatic Leadership Style Allina Shanice Henry Monroe College Management in Healthcare I-HA301 Professor David Veras March 13th, 2016 Abstract Leadership Styles: Charismatic Leadership Style What is a leader? What are the true qualities of a leader? Am I a leader, or are you a leader? Over the years, I believe that the meaning of the word ‘leader’ has be degrader to almost nothing. These days, everyone

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