The articles, “Title IX Under Fire As Colleges Cut Teams” by Jean Marbella and Carrie Wells and “40 Years Later, Title IX Is Still Fighting Perception It Hurts Men’s Sports” by Gloria Goodale, share different viewpoints on Title IX. Marbella and Wells share details and statistics showing that men’s teams are sometimes cut in order to meet Title IX’s requirements. However, Goodale counters that the reasons for the teams being cut was not Title IX, but the budgets of the university. She explains that
In the us women with some college education have more opportunities for higher paying jobs and this has affected society by making women more independent. Having an education does not mean a job is in the near future. Having an education is a way to establish self-esteem, better one’s self as well as gain knowledge. Women’s colleges and universities persist around the world, even as the vast majority of tertiary institutions are open to men and women. In nearly every nation, women can attend even
Founded 1869 by Emily Davies and Barbara Bodichon as The College for Women (1869-1872). Girton College from 1873, full college status 1948. Sister College – Somerville College Oxford. Men and Women – Undergraduates 483 Postgraduates 208. Girton lies furthest north of any Cambridge college, about a 20-minute bike ride away from the city centre. The far-flung location provides an idyllic haven far away from the hustle and bustle of central Cambridge. It has impressive facilities, including on site
Young women always dream of the perfect guy with the perfect heart and to have the perfect marriage. Many people do not realize how the process to get to that can be so terrifying, yet bad. So many different relationships do not work out for so many different reasons. Heading into college women do not realize the safety issues that come with dating, or even the emotional issues. Freshman college women should not participate in casual hookups or sudden dating because one can get too attached, get
sports. It made women sports strictly intramural games, or sports that are played within the college and between its students’. The National Association of Secondary School Principals, as well as many educators, fully supported the resolution and so they put pressure on high school sports association to end their tournaments. Educators wanted women to only play sports at their own college, between one another. Most educators saw women playing intercollegiate sports as unladylike and sometimes unsafe
This study attempted to determine group differences in the misuse of alcohol and the consequences between undergraduate women who live in four different on-campus housing locations and how different residential environments may inspire different drinking habits. The independent variable is the type of housing the women live in and the dependent variable is the type of alcohol involvement and the consequences that came with it. The study was researched through a web-based survey that was administered
cannot be able to attend college. Both financial and traditional issues are the reason that prevent woman from seeking further education after high school. People there think that college is a place for men, who can be able to learn and make money to taking care the family. Therefore, parent willing to pay for their son to go to college. In the opposite, Woman’s job is cooking, cleaning and taking care children; hence, they do not need go to college; women go to college is just waste parent’s money
College has traditionally been a path that one follows right out of high school. Over the past few decades, there has been a spike in enrollment of older adult women returning to college. The article “Starting from Ground Zero:” Constraints and Experiences of Adult Women Returning to College discusses this trend and studies the experiences of women returning to college as adult students. Researchers found that these returning female students face unique challenges and require supports from society
Problem African-American women have not received much consideration in the literature although they are a rising presence on college campuses (Strayhorn & Johnson, 2014). In fact, nationally 4 million women are enrolled in community colleges, 36% are African-American raising children alone, in which adds additional challenges in improving persistence and graduation (Goldrick-Rab & Sorensen, 2011, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 2013, American Association of Community Colleges, 2016, Shapiro, Dundar
cultures around the world view women as being weak and inferior to men, both physically and mentally. In various countries, especially in the Middle East and India, domestic violence is commonplace. Their laws support violence against women who dissatisfy men and this treatment can, in some