exhaust of jet fuel. Chemtrails is a relatively new word that evolved from contrails. Contrails are normal because when a plane travels at a very high altitude, it compresses the air into water vapor or ice crystals through jet engines which then eventually evaporates. Chemtrails, on the other hand, are not normal. Instead of disappearing like a contrail does, it keeps spreading out and forms a hazy cloud bank. They look like contrails initially, but are much thicker and extend across the sky. Seeing these
from affecting our planet or a solution to what we can use to fuel these jets without harmful chemicals. A question many people ask is “what is a Chemtrail?” If you are not aware, “Chemtrail” are a colloquial term used to describe the persistent contrail, presumably laden with “chemicals”. A Scientist has observed issues from these aircraft that result in the formation of an artificial cloud pattern and weather changes. The Scientist believes these are causing weather changes and that they
When you look up at the sky and you see these weird straight lines that are behind jets those are called chemtrails. Chemtrails are created when a jet engine is releasing hot, humid air into the atmosphere that is cold and has low pressure, the result is these white lines that you see come out of the jet. To break it down the jet releases water vapor and when it’s coming out of the engine it quickly condenses into water droplets and then turns into ice crystals. The ice crystals are the lines (clouds)
Informative Speech Outline Presenter: Dylan Tucker General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and the conspiracy theories that came from it. Central Idea: HAARP was created to research the Ionosphere but is also believed to have other capabilities. I. Introduction A. The government has a lot of power but is it possible that they have created a machine that could affect the whole world as well as all the
Different from chemtrails, contrails are trails behind a jet, left by fuel burn-off or wing condensation, that will usually follow for about 10-15 lengths of the plane. The inconsistency between the two is that chemtrails do not evaporate, and tend to be much thicker. Instead of evaporating
acquisition shares at $92.50 per share, and exchange shares in the ratio of 1.85619:1.0 for the remaining 60%. Before the announcement day, Conrail's stock price was $71. CSX is paying a much higher premium, so as to take a controlling interest from Contrail shareholders, who are expected to sell CSX their shares at $92.50, and also be willing to "opt-out" of the Pennsylvania statue before CSX could purchase more than 19.9% of the shares. b. Choose any one of the various provisions in the merger agreement
vapor resulting in the formation of contrails. Contrails are created in the wake of an aircraft as the warm, moist engine exhaust gas expands and mixes with colder and drier outside air. Water droplets can be formed and these droplets rapidly freeze to form ice crystals. With enough water vapor, the amount of condensation to ice is faster than that of evaporation, and the ice crystals will grow to form visible contrails (see Schumann (1996) for a review). Contrails affect the climate by reducing solar
So why does some people include these beautiful pathways from the sky a conspiracy theory? It is because these contrails seemed to be something else if we look at it in different angle, which are chemicals being spread throughout the nation. “These assumptions sparked around mid-1990s, where subset of people believe that these contrails are really chemtrails, or trails of vaporized chemicals being sprayed into the atmosphere by aircraft that are flying around without passengers”
people believe that Planet X is soon going to collide with Planet Earth. The question is how could this be possible seeing Planet X is 10 times bigger than our planet. With this conspiracy theory the answer is simple the what most people know as contrails (condensation let off by planes in travel) these conspiracy theorist believe are chemtrails. These chemtrails are spraying not only toxic chemicals into the air, but also theses chemtrails are blocking the view of Planet X all let off by planes
One of the first things to know about the way the aviation industry impacts the environment is it is different from other sources of emissions. According to a FAA report, aircraft’s btu/passenger mile (energy intensity) is 2,654 in 2012. This is an 24.3% improvement from the 3,505 btu/passenger miles in 2004. It is also improving faster compared to automobiles btu/passenger mile of 8.8% improvement (FAA, 2015). In aviation, most of its pollutants are distributed at high altitudes. However, this can