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  • Decent Essays

    Because RPP was unable to have the application developed at this time, objectives 5-7 were unable to be completed. However, the modified objectives were successfully completed. These objectives encompassed creating an up-to-date GeoMedia database compatible with Smart Client, designing the application, and performing an economic feasibility study. Moreover, the application design involved all technical sight triangle calculations. Once RPP has the financial resources available, the application design

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    but they are white and have one straight horizontal line above and below them. This sign is not really a sign, but is painted in white on the paved ground. There is another type of sign that is found at all public crossings, and it is called a Crossbuck sign. If there are more than one set of tracks, a sign below it indicates the number of tracks. This means that you should be prepared to stop at the tracks if a train is coming, and you

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    painted on the pavement in front of railroad crossings. These markings are there to warn you to be aware and cautious of the crossing ahead and to pay close attention to the of a train. Railroad crossbuck signs are located at all public crossings. If there are more than one set of tracks, a sign below the crossbuck indicates the number of

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Active Crossing

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    Active crossings include crossbuck signs, flashing lights, an alarm bell, and gate arms blocking the right side of the road. Along with that, unless the crossing is in a “quiet zone” (A crossing in a residential area where engineers are instructed not to blow their horns unless necessary

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    Seatbelt Collision

    • 1032 Words
    • 5 Pages

    destination and navigate the trip. Answer the following questions in one or more complete sentences: Where will you go on your trip? I would like to travel out west. You approach a railroad crossing with a crossbuck sign that has no lights or gates. What should you do? I should treat the crossbuck sign as a as a yield sign. I should slow down, look, and listen for an oncoming train. I should be prepared to stop if I see or hear a train

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Many people do not know the rules and regulations about railroad crossings and because of this the fatality and injury rates continue to rise. Every railroad crossing should be used responsibly. There are many safety precautions you need to know when dealing with railroad crossings. Remember to always slow down when coming in contact with a railroad crossing and to never pass a car going in your same direction. Parking closer than 50 feet from a railroad crossing should not happen unless signs indicate

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    1.Objects that are moving will continue moving unless they are stopped by some other force, so if a seatbelt isn't stopping the person, the dashboard, windshield, or even an object outside the vehicle will, leading to severe injuries or even death. 2. When you double your speed, the kinetic energy of your car is four times as great, making the braking distance four times as great too. 3. For the same Kinetic Energy the stopping distance of a small vehicle will be less than the larger vehicle due

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    I was on a source called ‘’railroad crossing safety fact sheet, and it talked about how many people are injured or die by trains. A train hits someone in America every 115 minutes, often with fetal results. Nearly 2,000 Americans are injured or killed by train crossings each year. There is a lot of things you can do to prevent a train/car collision, like every time is train time. You need to always slow down when approaching a railroad crossing and always look both ways twice!! Never race a train

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    surroundings, there should be no reason to have a train related accident. Advance warning signs are placed before any crossing that tell you to slow down, look, and listen. You will also see warnings painted on the road before the crossing. There are Crossbuck signs that look like a big x with red flashing lights underneath it. You will also hear the bells warning you. The number under the cross buck sign tells you how many tracks there are. Gates are used to block you from entering the intersection. Never

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    start to flash when the barriers are raising or dropping. The signs that there are is a yellow circle with two R’s and a black X. There are also markings on the pavement that have the same markings that are on the road sign. There are also railroad Crossbuck Signs, these are “railroad” and “crossing” that are on an X sign. Every time you approach a railroad you must yield to the train, no matter what. There is also Gates that will close and open accordingly. If the gates are open this does not mean you

    • 613 Words
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    Decent Essays