Learning to throw a curveball can be confusing at first; but as you learn and improve, it gets easier. Teamwork and motivation is an essential element in order to succeed. As a pitcher, it sometimes feels like its one versus nine. Even when the team and yourself make errors, you have to stay calm and relaxed. The cheering and yelling of the other team are distracting, but you have to stay strong when pitching. Being relaxed is key to throwing. If you try to throw a curveball tensed, it doesn’t go
I Will Always - Rationale Boring. That is the first word that pops into someone's head when I ask them to describe this beautiful sport. They either say the sport is too boring, too complicated, or just lengthy to both watch and play. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no doubt. But the sport of baseball is one that has always mesmerized my brain when I play/look at it. It is perhaps the best metaphor to describe life, and also the best metaphor to describe me. Life is what you make of
instruction, you can now begin learning to throw different pitches. However, you must first know what each pitch does, what the pitch is used to do, and how the pitch is most effective for you. The three main pitches are the fastball, change-up, and curveball. To start, the fastball is a pitch that has the most speed out of any other pitch. While the pitch is called a fastball, there are two different types of fastballs: the two-seam and the four-seam. The two-seam fastball is relatively similar to the
When most people think of pitching they think of a person hurling a 5 oz. ball with 216 red stitches as hard as they can from 60’6”. Well they are right, but there is so much more to it. When I looked at pitching I saw situations, fastballs, curveballs, and change-ups. When physics was introduced to me I saw much more to baseball. I see
for the fences and just came up with nothing. The case in question is that of Rafid Ahmed Alwan aka “Curveball” an Iraqi defector turned German informant that sold the world on the existence of Weapon of Mass Destruction in Iraq. “Los Angeles Times reports, top Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) officials apparently ignored warnings in late 2002 and early 2003 that an informant code-named "Curveball," the chief source of prewar United States intelligence about Iraqi germ weapons, was unreliable” (Drogin
Tommy John Surgery Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction, also known as Tommy John surgery, is a surgical procedure where the ulnar collateral ligament in the elbow is replaced with a tendon from the patient’s body or a tendon is donated by an outside party. This surgery is named after a former baseball pitcher, Tommy John, from the 1974 Los Angeles Dodgers. Tommy John surgery is a common injury for all athletes, but most commonly baseball or softball players and especially pitchers. This injury
The size of the ball, the speed of the pitch, and the distance from the mound to the plate all are variables of deciding which one is harder, softball or baseball? Debates break out all over the world with people fighting why softball is a sport made for girls. There is no real reason why the inventor of softball made it a bigger ball just for girls, but the difference is clearly noticeable. Studies show that most professional baseball players have a difficulty hitting from a softball pitcher. In
When the topic of intelligence failures and politics come up, the first thing that crosses my mind is Curveball. If we take a look at it, the Curveball case addresses most of the topics in this week’s assignment, but I would argue that the primary issue with Curveball and the information gathered was the failure of policymakers to really listen. Curveball was an Iraqi chemical engineer that claimed to have information on weapons of mass destruction developed by the Saddam Hussein regime. He
skillfully in a series of expertly delivered “fast” and “curve” balls. Two such pitches, the “rising fastball” and the “breaking curveball” are particularly exasperating to batters because these balls tend to veer in one direction or the other just as they reach home plate. The “rising fastball” zooms forward only to jump up and over the bat as the batter swings. The “breaking curveball” curves toward home plate, but plunges downward unexpectedly at the last moment. Batters attempt to anticipate these pitches
ever wondered whether or not a curveball is good to throw. I've played baseball for many years now and my coaches always said "Don't throw curveballs." As the years progressed more and more kids on different teams started to throw curveballs. I want to find out the science and physics of the curveball, the effects on the arm from a curveball, and if curveballs can even help your pitching. If I would want to throw curveballs some day I should find this out. Are curveballs good to throw? We need to know