As a text written in the early middle ages, the Canon Episcopi by Regino of Prüm was revolutionary in the fact that it exemplified a growing skepticism for magic within the Christian community, and most importantly, it served as a strict call to arms for church officials to identify and eliminate practices of magic within parish communities. As a major theological text in the time where Christianity is finally solidifying doctrine, the Canon Episcopi should both draw upon existing ideas of its predecessors
Chapter 6 Early Church Fathers’ Attitudes Toward Women “Then, as the church became fused with the secular, misogynistic society of Rome, Christ’s attitude toward women and the doctrine of equality were purposely forgotten,” 21, 34 Following are only a few of the mean-spirited quotes made by the early church so-called fathers and from modern preachers. This researcher believes this kind of leadership has instigated erroneous beliefs about women and their place in the Christian church. Furthermore