that day, Priest has left a impression on me. Priest Mountain, for me, has been such a majestic riding area; Iíve been riding in this area for more than 10 years, and it is such a magical place to ride. On this one fine day, we had a typical Colorado snow storm.. I can recall this very trip to the wonderful
AT 1103 hours, this writer met with Ms. Ford at her place of abode where M-1 also resides. Ms. Ford, gave this writer permission to search the inside premises and outside premises for M-1. The inside of the house and outside of the house were negative for M-1. Ms. Ford, provided a photo of M-1, fliers were made and approved of M-1. At 1140 hours, this writer met with employee Ms. Eleni Tesfaye Sadk of Rhode Island Avenue, Liquor store located at 1814 Hamlin Street, Northeast (202) 526-1216
Mohi Almulaydan May 1, 2017 Professor: Jeff Ira Keller and Director Park Space/ Scale/ Territory Ira Keller Park was built between 1968 and 1970. This city park is located in downtown Portland. This is a small park: because there are many trees and not a lot of open space. It takes up less than half of an acre (.37-acre). It is rectangular shaped. It is bordered by mature trees on three sides. The front of the park is where people can enter it. Director Park is also located in downtown
On 2/12/18, at approximately 0740hours (hrs), I, Sergeant Young, responded to 315 Palmer Street in the city of Delta, county of Delta, state of Colorado, to assist Detective Reece with a possible burglary in progress. All events occurred in the City of Delta, County of Delta, and in the State of Colorado unless specifically stated otherwise. Upon arrival I Detective Reece, Officer Buffington and I were contacted by the resident and told she believes someone is in the basement. Detective Reece
Hold Synopsis: On 08/14/15 at approximately 2146 hours, I, Officer Artaz along with Sergeant Kettle and Officer Braslin responded to 1010 Meeker Street in reference to an out of control female. This location is in the City of Delta, County of Delta and the State of Colorado. The reporting party was identified as Michelle Davenport (DOB 11/24/68) and the M-1 Hold subject was identified as Raquel Tangren (DOB 03/09/92). This case is closed M-1 Hold. Details: Upon arrival, Sergeant Kettle spoke to
Officer Nick Buffington, responded to 695 Highway 50 for a report of a De Beque officer making a traffic stop and the driver was possibly under the influence. This address is located in the City of Delta, County of Delta, State of Colorado. Upon arrival, I observed a white 1998 Ford F-150 bearing Colorado license plate QUT-348. I observed Officer Cody Hammon speaking with the driver of the vehicle, later identified as Michael Johnson (06/19/75). Officer Hammon was asking Michael what he consumed
07/19/15 at approximately 0213 hours, I, Officer Artaz conducted a traffic stop east of Highway 92 and Stafford Lane. This location is in the City of Delta, County of Delta and the State of Colorado. The driver was identified as Eric Coutts (DOB 06/24/87). While I was patrolling Highway 92, I observed a silver ford F150 truck bearing Colorado license plate headed east on Highway 92. This vehicle appeared to be going at a high rate of speed, and once I caught up to it I had to maintain a speed
One of the largest geographic physical structures in the United States is the Colorado River. Human activity and its interaction with this great river have an interesting history. The resources provided by the river have been used by humans, and caused conflict for human populations as well. One of these conflicts is water distribution, and the effects drought conditions have played in this distribution throughout the southwestern region. Major cities such as Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego
The grand Valley Ava is one of the many American Viticulture Areas located in Colorado in the area of Mesa County. It is in the area of Grand Junction and Palisadse and it is defined as being an agricultural area that is served by many canals located in the Colorado River. The AVA of grand Valley encompasses over 32,000 acres with a climate of high dessert that varies from time to time in temperature from being either cold climate or hot climate. Wine Processing began in the area of grand Valley
Grand Valley The grand Valley Ava is one of the many American Viticulture Areas located in Colorado in the area of Mesa County. It is in the area of Grand Junction and Palisadse and it is defined as being an agricultural area that is served by many canals located in the Colorado River. The AVA of grand Valley encompasses over 32,000 acres with a climate of high dessert that varies from time to time in temperature from being either cold climate or hot climate. Wine Processing began in the area