Diabetes refers to a set of several different diseases. It is a serious health problem throughout the world and fourth leading cause of death by disease in the country. All types of diabetes result in too much sugar, or glucos in the blood. To understand why this happens it would helpful if we understand how the body usually works. When we eat, our body breaks down the food into simpler forms such as glucose. The glucose goes into the bloodstream, where it then travels to all the cells in your
There is a great deal of literature and studies that have been done on the subject of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). According to Healthy People.gov, there is an estimated 23.6 million people in the United States living with diabetes and it is the 7th leading cause of death. It also lowers life expectancy by up to 15 years, increases the risk of heart disease, is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower limb amputations, and adult-onset blindness (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2015)
Introduction Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is a type of diabetes that was first discovered during pregnancy. According to Canadian Diabetes Association (2015), three to twenty percent of women develop Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). GDM is a result of increased insulin resistance or glucose intolerance. Incidence of GDM varies by age, body weight, and ethnicity. Canadian Diabetes Association (2015) mentioned that individuals who are at greater risk include women over 35 years of age, women
Introduction: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that occurs when insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas are damaged or are being destroyed (Mahan, Escott-Stump & Raymond, 2012). The gradual destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas usually leads to complete insulin deficiency, which ultimately manifests itself in the following symptoms at clinical onset: “high blood glucose (hyperglycemia), frequent urination (polyuria), excessive thirst (polydipsia), and a significant amount of weight
1. Discuss the pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition in which the body has the inability to produce insulin or react normally to insulin. The pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus is extremely complex, as diabetes mellitus is characterized by different types but share common symptoms and complications. Diabetes mellitus is classified in two types: Type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Although the disease is "characterized by different etiologies"
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high blood sugar levels over an extended period of time. With symptoms including increased urination, thirst, and hunger, diabetes is mainly due to loss of insulin production in the pancreas or lack of response to insulin produced. As of 2015, nearly 415 million people worldwide have diabetes with the three main types being Type 1, Type 2, and gestational. 90% of all diabetes cases are Type 2 (T2D) which is
treatment of diabetes is dependent on its type and its severity, insulin, exercise, and a diabetic diet is used to treat type 1 diabetes, whiles type 2 diabetes is initially controlled with weight loss, type 2 diabetic diet and physical activity; when these initiatives fail to balance elevated blood sugars, oral medications are prescribed and if that proves few futile then insulin and multiple injectable medications are introduced (Medicinenet2). One cannot prevent type 1 diabetes; however, one
Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death listed in the United States. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness. “In 1996 diabetes contributed to more than 162,000 deaths”(Lewis 1367). “Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but a group of disorders with glucose intolerance in common” (McCance 674). Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and results from defective insulin production, secretion, and
This paper deals about the study of diabetes mellitus, the pathology, types of diabetes, further complications if not controlled and management for the prevention of this disease. Diabetes refers to a set of several different diseases. All types of diabetes result in too much sugar, or glucose, in the blood. To understand why this happens it helps to understand how the body usually works. When you eat, your body breaks down your food into simpler forms such as glucose. The glucose goes into your
Diabetes mellitus is usually a lifelong metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia or high sugar levels in the blood; can be caused by lack of insulin, insulin resistance, or both. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to regulate blood sugar. It controls the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats that the body used for energy. Without insulin, glucose (sugar) in the blood builds up causing hyperglycemia. There are 3 classic symptoms of diabetes; the 3 Ps: polyuria which defines as frequent