This article validates that collaborative approaches to managing forests and other natural resources are the best way forward. 2.6 The impacts of the Civil War on forest management in Liberia The fourteen years of civil war in Liberia results in a class of marginalized young people who currently lack trust in their government or any kind of institutions for that matter (Richards, Archibald, & Bruce et al., 2005). These young people, who make up more than half
The current Ebola virus breakout that is pervading West Africa and that recently surfaced in the United States represents one of the largest viral pandemics known to date. Within three months, the breakout set the record as the widest sweeping and most fatal of any known Ebola pandemic (“Ebola Outbreak Sets Sobering Record” 1432). To date, there is no known cure or vaccination that has been proven to treat the virus. Furthermore, the current regions of West Africa facing the brunt of the outbreak
Margibi County is the second-most densely populated county in Liberia. Located in the South Central region of Liberia, it borders Montserrado county, home of nation’s capital of Monrovia. Residents here experience extreme rates of poverty—most without access to essential assets, electricity, running water, or flushable toilets (LISGIS citation). Margibi County residents also experience substantial barriers to accessing healthcare. The Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services report
and Macenta districts, the focus of the epidemic in Guinea. During March 2014, a rise in the numbers of cases in these two districts, in addition to the first reports from Lofa and other districts in Liberia, was followed by the discovery of cases in the capital, Conakry. A second increase in case incidence in Guinea — first in Guéckédou and Macenta and then in the capital — occurred in May and June. During May, the focus of the epidemic in Guinea expanded to the neighboring districts of Kenema
them overcome the language barriers they faced in their work and personal lives. My senior year of high school I visited Liberia, Africa, the country in which my father was born, and saw the atrocities young women in the area deal with. Once I went back to Lebanon I began fundraising locally for a non-profit called “Lifting Liberia” which served to provide women living in Liberia with necessary health and educational amenities. In 2012 upon my
explores the environmental policies of current-day Liberia. Emphasis is placed on post-civil war rule of law, personal waste disposal and infrastructure. In order to relay a sense of environmental policies in Liberia, this paper touches on the economy of Liberia as well as the basic demographics. An attempt is also made to touch on the disparity between conservation and a third-world population concerned chiefly with survival. Title of Paper Liberia, commonly known for diseases such as Ebola and
Liberia: A Cultural Overview Liberia 's political system and history has been strongly based and influenced on American and English common law. This is due in part to Liberia 's initial colonization of freed American slaves starting around 1820. Initially 86 immigrants, also known as “Americo-Liberians” settled in the now named Monrovia, named after President James Monroe. In the following years thousands more freed slaves and free African-Americans resettled by a campaign created by the American
Environmental Policies of Liberia: Perspectives from a Socioeconomic Investigation Liberia, commonly known for diseases such as Ebola and cholera and also known as home to such notorious figures as Joshua Milton Blahyi, a mass murderer and cannibal, is a nation recovering from two recent civil wars on the northwest shore of Africa. The total landmass, consisting of 111,369 square kilometers; is roughly the size of the state of Virginia. In addition to having a long stretch of coastline along the
The Republic of Liberia was founded in 1847 by the descendants of former slaves in search of the freedoms and liberties unobtainable in the United States. Their relationship with the established indigenous population was contentious from the start. The settlers colonized their new home by dominating economic and political control over the indigenous for 133 years. Some historians perceive that it was these new settlers, exhibiting ethnocentric tendencies, that ultimately led to a failed republic
paper, I will give a brief history of the nature of the conflict, describe normative SSR, SSR in Africa, the former Armed Forces Liberia, Private Military Contractors, the US Military’s Operation Onward Liberty, the new Armed Forces Liberia, discuss SSR challenges in meeting Post Conflict Reconstruction (PCR) goals, and the way ahead. NATURE OF THE CONFLICT The Liberia Civil War, lasting 14 years from 1989-2003, was a result of ethnic tensions that created inequalities on political, economic, and