U9-Final Assignment: The Case of Alicia Flor Chavez COUN5106 - Assessment Tests and Measures December 13, 2014 Lynn Jones Ph.D. Unit 9- Final Assignment Diagnosing potential Anorexia nervosa is not always easy, and Alicia’s case, based on information given and her representation, is not clear cut. Researchers argue that the diagnosis has to be done carefully and potential ambiguities have to be resolved (Baer & Blais, 2010). For example, some researchers have argued that one criterion
A Critique on the Thesis: Shirley, C.C.S. (2004) The Relationship among Eating Attitudes, Slimming Behaviors and Perfectionism in a Non-Clinical Population, Hong Kong University e-theses data base This paper is to critique a thesis titled The Relationship among Eating Attitudes, Slimming Behaviors and Perfectionism in a Non-Clinical Population by Shirley, C.C.S. (2004).This thesis can be found on the database of Hong Kong University. This report mentions the slimming pheromone in Hong Kong, and
Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts Although a great deal of early research on body image and eating disorders focused on upper/middle class Caucasians living in America or under the influence of Western ideals, many researchers are realizing that eating disorders are not isolated to this particular group. They are also realizing the differences in body image between occur in different races and genders (Pate, Pumariega, Hester 1992). Recently, several studies have shown that eating
Lack of eating disorder history The purpose of this study (Vaughan & Fotus, 2003) was to assess the relationship between girl’s media exposure and their development of eating disorder symptomatology. This study consisted of two phases conducted within a gap of 16 months. The original number of recruits were 479 female students from nine elementary and middle schools but due to certain factors such as relocation and incomplete data only 374 students with a mean age of 12 participated in this exam
including: eating disorders, anxiety, depression, personality, obsessiveness, among others. A common assessment tool in the assessment of symptoms and other features of eating disorders is the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) that was originally developed by Garner, Olmsted, and Polivy in 1983. Another widely used eating disorder assessment tool is the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT) that was developed by Garner and Garfinkel (1979). While both are self-report measures of symptoms of eating disorders and
1950s. Every year beauty standards change and continue to impact women’s lives. Many sources talked about self-esteem and eating disorders relating to the pressure for the perfect body throughout young girls and women. Other sources focused on the misleading influence of media on women and girls. In one article, “Body Image Dissatisfaction: Gender Differences in Eating Attitudes, Self-Esteem, and Reasons for Exercise” (Furnham, Badmin, Sneade), it talked about women and how they are more likely to
STRESS AND EATING DISORDER Abstract Eating habits are closely associated with our perception of eating. There can be also exogenous factors that affects our eating habits such as getting low mark from the exam or ending of a romantic relationship. Some people tend to be eat more or less depends on these triggering situations. This study will examine the relationship between stress
In this paper I will start out by talking about 4 tests from my freshmen year. One baseline test I took was the 12 minutes swim test; during the baseline I got 17 walls in the allowed 12 minutes. On the post 12-minute swim I reached a total of 21 walls. I can see visible progress/improvement during the 12-minute swim; I gained a total of 4 walls during the posttest. There was a change because I was constantly doing physical activity through hockey on and off the ice. Outside of school and hockey
To observe the impact of culture on attitudes towards eating and perception of body shape, Lake, Staiger and Glowinski (1999) conducted a study using 140 female students from 2 Australian universities. The students were divided into 2 groups – those who were born in Australia (98) and those who were
Screening tests and evaluations help with many diagnoses of various eating disorder. Created to help identify orthorexia was the BOT, ORTO-15, ORTO-11, and EAT-40 tests. The BOT test which stands for Bratman’s Orthorexia Test was developed to help identify if the expression of feeding behaviors in health education is pathological or not. This test is a 10 question yes/ no questionnaire were answering yes to at least 4 questions can indicate that one may be developing orthorexia (Brytek-Matera, 2012)