Elizabeth Smart kidnapping

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    In chapter fourteen the readers are presented with the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart when she was only fourteen years old and she wasn’t found until nine months later. These types of events cause’s incredible amounts of stress that only few go through and affects the individual’s health that will affect them throughout their life. However, as the book states her story was one of resilience, today she has overcame the event and now leads a positive productive life and is happily married. Thankfully

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  • Good Essays

    "I have a knife to your neck. Don 't make a sound. Get out of bed and come with me." These are the words that Elizabeth Smart heard as she was awoken on June 5, 2002. (Moses, 2010). At only 14 years old, Smart was taken from her home, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and was not found until nine months had passed. Brian David Mitchell broke into the Smart 's home and grabbed the youngster from her room that she shared with her sister Mary Katherine. What Mitchell did not know was that Mary Katherine

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  • Decent Essays

    It’s lost. I can’t get it back, it’s gone. It was abruptly taken from me. My childhood, my innocence. Yes, I killed her. I killed the innocent and fragile girl inside of me. I didn't do it by myself, every person around me helped in a way, and now they ask me where she is. How dare they ask such a thing when they know they are the reason she is not here anymore. I want her back, I want to be that carefree and innocent child that had no worries. Now all I have left behind is this tired and melancholy

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  • Decent Essays

    Police Officer Body Cam Shows Amazing Rescue These days we haven 't seen very many good images from the body cams that police officers wear. But, that all changes today when we take a look at this amazing rescue footage. After a SUV crashed, Officer Dan Whitney rushed to the scene. What he found there was absolutely terrifying. The SUV is already in flames when the officer arrives. And, he finds the driver trapped in the backseat of the vehicle. Luckily, he is able to pull the man from the wreckage

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  • Decent Essays

    get deep mental and emotional scars that affect their lives in terms of love, trust, respect, and independence. Individuals who have survived kidnapping have been found to have problems regarding the issues of trust for the rest of their lives due to the deprivation of freedom as well as being held against their will. However, for people like Elizabeth Smart who was abducted and later released feels that to deal with the ensuing psychological effects, one has to forget about their past and move on

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  • Better Essays

    each day, over 2,000 children are reported missing. Kidnappings occur for a variety of reasons, and at the hands of many different people (“Children Exploitation and Obscenity Section”, n.d.). For example, the United States Department of Justice claims that 203,000 children are kidnapped by family members annually, while 58,200 are abducted by individuals outside of the family annually (“Children Exploitation and Obscenity Section”, n.d.). Kidnappings occur more frequently than the public realizes. The

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  • Good Essays

    Stockholm Syndrome, originally identified in 1973, is an often cited psychological condition that may pertain to some people who have been kidnapped. Dictionary.com defines Stockholm Syndrome as “feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor”. As a result, victims sympathize and defend their abuser or kidnapper. Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon that has been analyzed in professional articles by various scholars, but is

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  • Better Essays

    The novel My Story by Elizabeth Smart is a nonfiction book that tells Smart’s experience as her captors kidnapped and stole her away from her family for nine months. A man named Brian David Mitchell took Elizabeth out of her own bed one June night in 2002. This story displays how Elizabeth felt in these moments and all of those after the initial kidnapping in the months following. Mitchell forced Elizabeth into doing things that oppose her religion and her own morals. He moved out of her state and

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  • Better Essays

    Fourteen year old Elizabeth Smart was abducted from her bedroom On June 2, 2002, while she was sleeping. The kidnapper snuck up on Smart while she was sleeping and put a knife to her throat and made Smart come with her. Through all of this, Smart’s sister Mary Katherine was watching this unfold and was trying to figure out who this person was. The kidnapper, who we later find out is Brian David Mitchell. “The kidnapper, a man by the name of Brian Mitchell, led Smart out of the house and marched

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  • Better Essays

    The novel My Story by Elizabeth Smart is a nonfiction book that tells Smart’s experience as she was kidnapped and stolen away from her family for nine months. A man named Brian David Mitchell took Elizabeth out of her own bed one June night in 2002. This story displays how Elizabeth felt in these moments and all of those after the initial kidnapping in the nine months following. Elizabeth is forced into doing things that oppose her religion and her own morals and is moved out of her state and back

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