English novelists

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    greatest living English language novelist. At a very early age he grew up in Trinidad where there was lot of poverty and a population of about half a million. With this type of situation he was given the ambition to write books and novels. Naipaul and is family believed themselves to be the descendants of Hindu Brahmin, though they did not observe many of the practices and restrictions common to Brahmins in India. The family gradually stopped speaking Indian languages and spoke English at home. On October

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    Toru Dutt as the English Novelist/ Bianca- Autobiographical Novel of Toru Dutt/ Toru Dutt’s Novel ‘Bianca’: A Perspective Abstract: In this paper, I analyse Toru Dutt’s only one English Novel, Bianca. Toru Dutt displayed her rare ability as a novelist in it. In weaving a tragic plot, in drawing subtle characters, in creating suspense, and in describing a person, place or thing, Toru shows a remarkable inventiveness and vigour ‘Bianca’ is incomplete and ends abruptly. Keywords: Autobiographical

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    Toru Dutt as the English Novelist P.RADHIKA, Lecturer in English (Adhoc), Social Welfare Residential Government Degree College for girls, Kalikiri, Chittoor dist, A.P. Abstract: In this paper, I analyse Toru Dutt’s only one English Novel, Bianca. Toru Dutt displayed her rare ability as a novelist in it. In weaving a tragic plot, in drawing subtle characters, in creating suspense, and in describing a person, place or thing, Toru shows a remarkable inventiveness and vigour ‘Bianca’ is incomplete

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    The voice and perception of women have been every changing since the moment that God breathed life into Eve’s lungs while still in the Garden of Eden. Though she is not the first woman to ever be written about, there are many that consider her to be the first woman to walk on earth. She was made from Adam’s rib and designed to be an extension of him. Eve was to be his companion as he was to be her lord. She is the example that women are supposed to model themselves after, her mistake of eating the

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    Humans have always loved stories, from magical ones filled with wonders, to the everyday life reciting’s. Humans crave stories; they crave the moment of going to a magical land of wonders that exceed their own lives. Such is the case with books. Books hold the magic of binding a story and making it immortal. Creating a world that shall never be forgotten, whilst always adding new members. Unfortunately not all see books as a valuable relic. Most people nowadays do not even deem books as worthy of

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    Women as Objects in A Woman on a Roof Essay

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    Women as Objects in A Woman on a Roof         Doris Lessing’s "A Woman on a Roof" allows us to understand how some men view woman: as mere objects for display and possession. Lessing shows how each of the male characters reacts and deals with rejection from a woman sunbathing on a nearby rooftop. We discover how three men’s preoccupation with sex keeps them unaware of how their advances may be unwanted and ignorant of their action’s possible consequences. All three men share the desire

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    the direct effort at the former…….” In these lines Richard Whately describes the superior quality of Jane Austen, the writer. In ‘A Room Of One’s Own’ Woolf emphasis that William Shakespeare and Jane Austen are the best dramatist and novelist respectively because of the element of androgynity. The mind of Austen and Shakespeare had consumed all impediments. ‘They had complete mind’. Their minds were never dominated by either masculine or feminine qualities, but by a combination of the

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    Lord of the Flies was created by William Golding, an English novelist that studied at Oxford where the experience allowed for his writing to grow and develop. The main purpose of the novel was to portray the struggle of a group of boys in the era of war. It is aligned off of personal experiences the author had in World War II, the severity and insanity allowed him to have a corrupted view on the world and everything inside of it (“William Golding,” N.P.). Much like Oxford, being apart of the Royal

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    CHARLOTTE BRONTE AS A HIDDEN WRITER INTRODUCTION Charlotte bronte was an English novelist and poet and the eldest of the three bronte sisters.even after a strenuous childhood she managed to write and publish her works and gain fame. Being a Victorian writer, obviously it was a difficult task for her to take her own stand in a male dominated era. After many rejections and disparages she decided to change her pen name from charlotte bronte to Currer Bell. The main reason behind writing as a male was

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    British Women Writers during the Romantic period “Like the minority writer, the female writer exists within an inescapable condition of identity which distances her from the mainstream of the culture and forces her either to stress her separation from the masculine literary tradition or to pursue her resemblance to it.” (Lynn Sukenick, Miller: 1985, 356.) Women’s roles in society today has changed radically since the Romantic period. Women during the Romantic Period were looked down upon economically

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