A Tale of Alien Technology The year is 2058, Earth is peaceful, history is forever changed, for no wars have been fought, and no arms have been yielded. World peace wasn’t an impossibility. But one solar afternoon, a giant metal chunk of metal, glowing green, beaming pure energy, bursts into the atmosphere. It it loud. It broke many sound barriers, and it caused a huge explosion. Scientists exhibit the crashed spacecraft, and find metal databases encrypted with an unknown language. Not too long
We've compiled a list of the best (funniest) photos taken from Russian dating websites. Why are we picking on the Russians? Probably something to do with Putin. Just kidding, the Vlad-miester isn't that bad once you get to learn his mission isn't for complete world domination, just that of Ukraine. Here's the first example of a picture taken from a dating website that's based in Russia. There is this girl who isn't half bad looking, but decided it would be a great idea to sit on a pile of rubbish
Conclusion Thus, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is only at the initial stage of its development, there are obvious problems, but there is progress. After just five years since its foundation, it is developing a high-level cooperation in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism. There is the potential for qualitative steps in the fight against the drug menace, successfully developing economic cooperation, signed many important documents are created and continue to create the necessary
I am an international student from Republic of Kazakhstan. This country is located in between Russia and China, and takes the 9th place by its area in the world. More than twenty years ago my home country was a part of the Soviet Union. It is worth to mention that we as a nation and an independent country have experienced a great influence from the Russian Empire that had reflected on our culture, economy, literature, science, and other aspects of life. However, being under the Soviet pressure has
peoples of other continents…” (Diamond, 10), but unfortunately these answers are classified as proximate causes, not an ultimate elucidation. Diamond explores the idea as to how these components of colonization and world domination arose in western Eurasia rather than in another world region. Diamond’s four ultimate causes follow a 19th -20th century approach on human behavior and development called environmental determinism; Environmental determinism claims that the physical environment caused human
division of labor. Conversely, in the Americas, the sole cereal crop of corn took many more thousands of years of domesticated refinement to prove useful to humans. Mr. Diamond also places great emphasis on the geographic East-West orientation of Eurasia. A plant growing at a given latitude can grow at that latitude the world over. Thus, Eurasia's East-West orientation was highly conducive to the rapid spread (by trade) of productive domesticated grains across the continent. Conversely, the Americas
beliefs, ideas, and goods by contributing to the expansion of Eurasia and Africa. As the level of trade, innovations, and division of labor grew so did the level of globalization took place in this area of the world. The ways in which this land mass became so integrated with the level of interconnectivity, was the rate in which services and goods traveled. All these different aspects especially economically, help expand Africa and Eurasia to become a world power. The fundamental part of becoming a
Taylor Shockley Guns, Germs, and Steel A. YORK Period 4 Research: Write a short biography of the author, include information about his areas of research, books written, and prizes awarded. Jared Diamond is a professor at the University of California He wanted wrote Guns, Germs, and Steel, which won the Britain’s 1998 Rhone-Poulenc Science Book Prize and Pulitzer Prize. He also wrote Collapse: How Societies choose to Fail or Succeed. Jared has been on 22 expeditions to New Guienea and islands
Asian continent, which stretches from the Caspian Sea in the east to China in the West and from the South to the Afghanistan and Russia in the North (Collins, 2002). The Soviet Union was a socialist state in that existed between 1922 and 1991, in Eurasia. The union was a one party federation, the communist party and with its capital in Moscow. It had multiple sub-national republics with its economy and the government being highly centralised. It had its roots in the revolution of 1917 October. The
civilizations for many reasons a few are geographic location and agriculture, domesticated animals, the germs, and steel. They all helped the growth of Eurasia because it saved them time and let them make specialist. The creation of agriculture, domestication of animals, germ immunity, and steel made them grow stronger and faster than everyone else Eurasia was a great place for farming but also for things such as for domesticating animals but only a certain few.to domesticate is to control a animals