Evil People By nature, humankind tends to be more evil than good. Even though, some people are born with kinder temperament than others, everyone is conceived and birth in sin (Psalm 58.3). For this, in many traditions, once a woman gives birth, the baby is either baptized or blessed by his community to welcome him into the world, and to remove him from sin. People are naturally self-centered, jealous, mean individuals who want to gain, but not work hard. They crave violence, and would instantly
not necessarily evil – nor are they necessarily good – I believe humans are inherently conceited in a way that makes them lean more towards doing evil than good. This manifests itself as a fundamental need to exercise control over others and to raise one’s own status. Classically evil people express this need as a desire to be the most powerful, wealthy, and venerated person on Earth, controlling large groups of followers and having them bend to his or her will. Meanwhile, even people deemed the most
Are people evil or is it their behaviors that are evil? I believe people are evil and evil people have evil actions. People aren't going to do evil things just because they find enjoyment in it unless they are born evil. People born evil can't help nor know any better than to have evil actions. In the story Meursault is in my opinion one of the evilest people of all. He murdered the Arab killing him in one shot, but instead of stopping there he continued to fire four more rounds into the Arab. He
humanity chooses to be evil. There is the Ku Klux Klan, the Charleston Shooting, and one of the worst events in human history, the Holocaust. People can be good, but most of the people that are good are trying to fix something that is evil. The first event that proves people choose to be evil is the Ku Klux Klan. Founded after the Civil War in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee to try and stop blacks from being equal to whites. They protested, boycotted, and even assaulted and murdered people who thought differently
angels. Bad people exist as evil is a complex subject that many consider intolerable, which is around us and everywhere since the start of time. However, some people never realize it is there, because they don’t even know what it is and why is it present. Basically, it is the precise definition of a behaviour that pushes individuals to not care for others and adopt a detrimental manner. Fred E.Katz mentioned out in his book Ordinary People and Extraordinary Evil” that “It focuses on how people behave
inherently good or evil is as complex and just as regularly debated by philosophers as to whether or not there is an afterlife. Now if we temporarily ignore the grey scale that is moral and immoral and the fluctuations it may have based on individual morals and instead use a generalisation of what is good and bad, (this consisting of the obvious murder, rape etc) we can freely debate if human nature is inherently good or evil. There are some philosophers like Clancy Martin who argue that people are ‘mostly
correct answer is rather clear. Humans are naturally evil and the evidence to support this claim is strong. People are greedy and perform evil acts to benefit themselves. Laws are created to attempt to keep people in check, but they only work so well. Are humans really as thoughtful and kind hearted as some people think? Mencius lived in a time where Confucians were split on the question of human nature (Mencius 78). Some believed that people were supposed to study their ancestors and take up their
vain like most people. I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I’ve never met. I want to go on living even after my death!” Anne Frank had wrote while hiding for her life during the Holocaust. Throughout time, mankind has chosen to be evil. The three things that prove mankind chooses to be evil are the cruelty of the Holocaust, the inhumanity of Eugenics, and the treatment in the Japanese Internment Camps. The first example that proves people chose to be evil is the cruelty
People and experiences, that is what really determines who a person really is. It also has a little bit of neurology too but if somebody is around you can be influenced by bad people if they are constantly around them than they may display that behavior. Some people may think that people are just born pure and a clean slate, while it may be true, it is society and the people that surround someone is what can make them evil. Evilness comes naturally to a person whether they have it within their personalities
Boris Hennig PHL 201 February 22, 2015 Good vs. Evil: How do People Become Evil? Through the centuries, the words ‘good’ and ‘evil’ have been used extensively to describe certain things or situations. The subject of good versus evil is one that often causes great debate as the two terms are not facts, but entirely subjective. When people are born, we presume they are innocent, because as infants they are not capable of carrying out actions that are evil, or good. They are a clean slate, and as time