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    In this case study on cross cultural medicinal beliefs and practices, Anne Fadiman addresses the rift between Hmong spiritual and medicinal customs and the culture of American biomedicine by telling the story of a young Hmong child, Lia Lee. Lia’s journey started when she was three months old and she suffered her first of many epileptic seizures. Over the next few months she continued to suffer from her seizures and made at least three emergency room visits. Like most cases of epilepsy, the cause

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  • Decent Essays

    year of 1997 by Anne Fadiman. The novel describes how the struggles experienced by an immigrant family who were from, Sinyabull Province in Asia during their time at a medical center in California. Fadiman narrates about a young child named Lia. Lia is the second born in her family and is suffering from epilepsy and causes her to have seizures. The novel exemplifies the cultures differences and clashes that are interfering with her regarding the treatment she is to receive. Fadiman also describes the

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    As provided by Fadiman, there are many instances where Hmong people and American doctors disagree and have a breakdown in communication. Rather than trying to bridge the gap between the two cultures, American doctors stubbornly kept trying to impose their way of healing

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    “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” by Anne Fadiman presents the story of a Hmong child and her family and the obstacles that they face through her battles with epilepsy. The story takes place in Merced, California and centered around the Merced Community Medical Center. The Hmong child is Lia Lee and her parents are Nao Kao and Foua Lee. The parents of Lia did not understand English nor do they speak it which caused a lot of confusion and commotion among the staffs as they tried their best

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  • Decent Essays

    The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down a Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures by Anne Fadiman is a literary nonfiction story that takes place in Merced, California. The book centers around the Lee’s, a family of immigrants from Laos and Lia Lee, the Lee’s young daughter born afflicted with epilepsy. Lia was born happy and healthy in 1981 at Merced Community Medical Center (MCMC) in Merced, California. At three months of age Lia experiencing her first major seizure

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  • Good Essays

    filled with lots of emotion, anger, betrayal, misunderstandings and compassion. It talks about a Hmong family who lives in America and has a daughter named Lia Lee that is diagnosed with epilepsy. Fadiman explains the difficulty with communications between the two different cultures. Before Anne Fadiman became a writer she was a student at Harvard University. After graduating, she became a worker as a wilderness instructor in Wyoming before returning to her home town New York to pursue he career as

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    For instance, when Lia was three month ago, she had an epileptic seizure in which Lia’s mother Foua, and her father, Nao Kao, called the episode “the spirit catches you and you fall down” (Fadiman, 1997, p.20). According to Lia’s parents, it was a spiritual illness which Lia’s soul had fled out of her body (Fadiman, 1997, p. 21). On the other hand, Dr. Dan Murphy, who practiced Western medicine, diagnosed Lia Lee with epilepsy. The Ethnocentrism is the judging of other cultures by the standards of one’s

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  • Decent Essays

    Catches You and You Fall Down (1997), the author Anne Fadiman tells a story of a cultural collision that involves healthcare professionals in central California and a refugee family who emigrated from Laos. The story is based around a young Hmong child, Lia Lee, who was diagnosed with epilepsy. Everyone wants what is best for Lia, but with different beliefs and perspectives between her parents and the doctors her health is put on the line. Fadiman connects the story of Lia Lee and the challenges she

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  • Decent Essays

    what they experienced. Lia, daughter of Nao Kao and Foua, was diagnosed at the age of three months with a neurological disorder called Epilepsy, which is characterized by having many seizures and other health problems. In this book, the author Anne Fadiman follows this family and learns their struggles and frustrations with cross-cultural communication and the United States interpreters and medical system. While reading this book, I noticed two very important theoretical perspectives: the Psychodynamic

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  • Good Essays

    In the book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, the author, Anne Fadiman, describes the life of a Hmong family. This family migrated from Laos during the late 20th century. This family, the Lees, was not like any other Hmong family around. Even though the Lees migrated to the United States like other Hmong families, the Lees were unique. They were unique because of a particular family member, Lia Lee. Lia, the main character of the entire book suffered from a medical problem called epilepsy

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