Fat Girl

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    Cléo aligns in the first half of the film with Beauvoir’s claims that “the average Western male’s ideal is a woman who freely submits to his domination” (Beauvoir 201). Similarly, in Fat Girl, Elena represents another type of ideal woman that men seek, which is one that will give herself to him, therefore relinquishing a part of her and her control. Elena like Cléo in the first part of the film has virtually no control. Elena cannot control what happens after giving her virginity to Fernando because

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    In the short story "The Fat Girl", Andre Dubus depicts a teen girl, Louise and her struggle with being content with the way she appears. Throughout the story, she continually is frustrated and even angered by her inability to remain thin and attractive, like her mother or friends. It is quite evident that through the telling of her story, that Dubus was intentionally trying to influence the audience, and call to attention the very real issue of discontent with one's self. The theme that being content

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    The Fat Girl By Dubus

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    prevalent in society, and it makes it difficult for females to achieve any level of contentment with their physical appearance”(Serdar, "Female Body Image and the Mass Media: Perspectives on How Women Internalize the Ideal Beauty Standard").‘‘The Fat Girl’’ was published in 1977 as part of Dubus’s short story collection Adultery, and Other Choices. It has now become one of his best-known works. Throughout Dubus’s career, many has praised his writing for their eloquent treatment of sensitive topics

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  • Decent Essays

    Fat Girl Analysis

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    woman over her physical health for only the first part of the film. Cléo aligns in the first half of the film with Beauvoir’s claims that “the average Western male’s ideal is a woman who freely submits to his domination” (Beauvoir 201). Similarly, in Fat Girl, Elena represents another type of ideal woman that men seek, which is one that will give herself to man, therefore relinquishing a part of her and her control. Elena like Cléo in the first part of the film has virtually no control. Elena cannot control

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  • Good Essays

    The Fat Girl Analysis

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    Andre Dubus’s The Fat Girl chronicles the hardships that a self-described “fat girl” goes through. Stemming from a deprivation of food from her mother, Louise takes to devouring candies and other treats from her closet, a destructive habit which continues to haunt her for seventeen years. Even as she enters college, her habit follows her like a shadow. Her college roommate encourages her to diet, and she successfully does so until she is married. However, her habit comes back from the grave after

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    The Fat Girl Analysis

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    struggle to find themselves within society’s ideals. Society places a great emphasis on the way women should look to be considered beautiful and many women fail to live up to those standards. In the short story “The Fat Girl” by Andre Dubus, the reader sees how the main character Louise, a fat girl, struggles to fit in with pressure society places on her that to be considered beautiful, one must be thin. Louise, for the majority of her life, outwardly appears as if she's trying to conform to society's standards

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  • Decent Essays

    Essay on The Fat Girl

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    “The Fat Girl” In American culture, the obese body is represented very negatively. One factor that contributes to this negative representation is the abundance of negative reactions that people display towards overweight people. It is a stigma that often taints and belittles the person, leading others to judge the individual negatively, rejecting, hating, or ridiculing him or her. That can often lead the obese person to develop sever psychological problems. In the story "The

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  • Decent Essays

    questions. Beauty has different meanings in different people, different cultures and different countries. It also changes throughout time. However, many of us judge beauty only in terms of physical appearance. We can see similar scenarios in the stories “Fat Girl” by Andre Dubus, and “The Birthmark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Judging beauty in terms of physical appearance is not the best way to describe beauty. Without looking perfect, a person still can be wonderful with his or her great virtues. So, a human

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  • Better Essays

    The Fat Girl by Andre Dubus

    • 6416 Words
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    The Fat Girl Her name was Louise. Once when she was sixteen a boy kissed her at a barbacue; he was drunk and he jammed his tongue into her mouth and ran his hands up and down her hips. Her father kissed her often. He was thin and kind and she could see in his eyes when he looked at her the lights of love and pity. It started when Louise was nine. You must start watching what you eat, her mother would say. I can see you have my metabolism. Louise also had her mother’s pale blond hair

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    satisfaction and happiness, one must take control of one's own decisions. With the use of symbolism and imagery, this idea is explored in the short story, “The Fat Girl” by Andre Dubus. The portrayal and theme of acceptance is explored through shame, which slowly progresses into satisfaction of oneself. In the short story, “The Fat Girl” symbolism is shown to explore the growth that Louise goes through to achieve fulfilment and make peace with her body. As the story progresses, she comes to terms

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