Case Study The acronym FAR stands for Federal Aviation Regulations. The FARs are established by FAA to regulate all activities that pertain to aviation. They are a part of the Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations which is known as CFR. These regulations include but are not limited to airworthiness, aircraft operations, training for pilots, and etc. There are several parts within the Title 14 CFRs. Part 121 pertains to operating requirements and supplemental operations. Supplemental operations include
Regulation of Aviation at the Federal, State and Local Level Aviation has an impact on everybody and everything. Not only does it have an impact on a worldwide base, but it also has as big an impact on local business. Aviation in regulated in many different ways nationwide. There are many regulations that are federal, such as airspace, and must be obeyed by everyone and there are regulations that are local, such as traffic pattern altitude, and must be obeyed as if they were federal regs.
The Federal Aviation Regulation 14 Part 139 outlines the requirements for airport certification. This is outlined by the Airport Certification Plan (ACM), where each section is detailed for the specific compliances required for implementation and certification at an airport. “Airports with an approved ACM and a completed on-site FAA inspection are issued an Airport Operating Certificate (AOC), which certifies the airport’s compliance with 14 CRF Part 139” (Young, p. 196). To maintain this certification
Abstract This project will reveal the importance of the rules spelled out in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part121 concerning airline safety. Without strict adherence to these rules, the level of safety is severely compromised and dangers associated with air travel are heightened. Every moving part will be explored including management, dispatch, scheduling, hub coordinators, flight operations, airport operations, ground handling, airport customer
When we talk about aviation maintenance, we speak of repairs, alterations and the act of preserving an aircraft in its original airworthy condition. An airworthiness certificate is given to an aircraft after countless hours of design, research and testing. And in order to keep this certificate valid; an aircraft must be maintained in accordance with a certain specification. These specifications are brought to us by the Federal Aviation Administration. The Federal Aviation Regulation part that spells
Aviation has been in rapid growth since its beginning in the early 20th century. With that rapid growth that created challenges. Who will regulate the airways? Should we have a certifying official? What will the rules of flying be? With those questions in mind the government passed the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938. “The Civil Aeronautics Act transferred federal responsibilities for non-military aviation from the Bureau of Air Commerce to a new, independent agency, the Civil Aeronautics Authority”
Many years before the Federal Aviation Act was created, the airline industry grew with little to no rules for safety. The skies filled with aircraft each year, always adding more numbers than the previous years. Imagine an aviation world where safety was never even thought of. How do we control and monitor all the aircraft in the skies to ensure they all reach their destinations safely. What if airline regulations never existed? Would aircraft just fly till parts literally fell off? Who would be
that one can’t fix a problem if they didn’t know that it existed. The Federal Aviation Administration has to be credited in improving safety in a multitude of ways. The best way to do that is transform safety program from being retroactive to proactive. One of the well-received programs that FAA has created is the Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP). This program works to the benefit of every airman, as well of most aviation organizations. This program emphasizes why things happen and what can
Table of Contents 1.Introduction 3 2. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulation 3 3. General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), UAE Regulation 3 4. Similarity and Difference between FAA and GCAA regulations 4 5. Recommendation 5 6. Conclusion 5 Bibliography 6 1.Introduction The report is designed to understand the working practices of the two government bodies in the field of aviation i.e. US Federal Aviation Administration and General Civil Aviation Authority. The two authorities have a
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have become a quickly growing part of the aviation community over the last five to ten years. More and more of these aircraft are flying in the National Airspace System (NAS) with each passing year, without any set rules governing their operation. With the growing population of UAS in the NAS, for military, civil, and commercial use, the need for regulation is becoming increasingly obvious. How to regulate this type of aircraft is no simple task. Taking into consideration