Finding truth

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    witnesses to. To me a witness is someone who tells a story in hopes of finding truth and finding peace. A witness mean someone who is willing to listen to people tell theirs stories and continue to tell those stories when other people are no longer able to. While visiting the Africa Burial Grounds going through the different exhibits, I came across a quote that I believe describes in perfect detail what a witness is. “I’m for truth no matter who tells it, I’m for justice no matter who it is for or

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    In the film Finding Neverland, the filmmakers created a reality with an objective truth. They accomplished this by creating a plot in which it wasn’t focused on the happy ending of the main characters, but rather the growth of the characters. As a viewer, I noticed this objective truth because in the real world, people have to bare the loss of loved ones at the most unexpected times. The death of Peter’s father in the beginning which led to the loss of Peter’s imagination was a clear illustration

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    is said that knowledge is power and truth is freedom, but can freedom really just be another limitation? This idea of being bound to what you know is portrayed in a play written by Sophistilies. In the play Oedipus Rex, the renown King Oedipus embarks on a journey of truth but what he finds is shrouded by darkness. Oedipus had everything he could ask for, except the truth. Even when warned by his loved ones and trusted advisors he persists on finding the truth of a crime committed before he took

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    The Allegory of the cave is a story written by Plato an ancient philosopher who presented this work in The Republic to describe the truth about reality. Plato believed that reality and the truth are both hard to find. One must find knowledge of himself, discovering truth that is a process and to make known self understanding. Plato wrote this story as a discussion between two greek philosophers, Socrates and Glaucon. Socrates asks Glaucon what would it be like if people lived in the dark where all

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    life is not worth living for a human being." This statement highlights the significance that Socrates placed on self-analysis. This would sum up his view that an existence without important thinking and the search for the truth is flawed. Socrates's approach to finding the truth mostly consisted of logical questioning, which was the basis of his philosophical investigations. We may investigate the ramifications of leading a life without thinking and determine if awareness matches a less fulfilling

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    actor, and every occurrence in his life was a carefully scripted event. When Truman starts to notice and piece together the little errors made by those who manipulate his world, he begins to see through the deception, and eventually seeks to find the truth of his existence. It took Truman so long to see through the illusion because his fake world was all that he ever knew. He never saw the real world, so therefore he had no reason to believe that what he was experiencing was not the genuine thing. This

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    aspects of the adversarial system, scholars argue that as it is practiced today, the system is deeply flawed and does not promote truth finding. According to Keith Findley (2012), Clinical Professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School, and Co-Director of the Wisconsin Innocence Project, the criminal court system as of today seeks justice but does not seek the truth. Findley asserts that the adversarial system disproportionally benefits the prosecution over the defense (2012). This is due to the

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  • Better Essays

    puppets and Journalists are the puppet masters. Finding truth in the media is difficult because of all the false information given. Journalist tend to give one sided views when reporting news. Major news sources only give information that supports their side. Current events have proven that a person can not believe one news sources to validate a claim. Viewers are blinded by their bias and need to have a more broad view. In order to find the truth in journalism, the viewer has to be open minded.

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    There are so many conflicts in life and when people go to find the truth, the media is the first to be looked at. People like to think that there is correct information from the media but in reality there isn’t. There was a book written by Bernard Goldberg called “Bias” where a CBS insider exposes how the media distorts the news. This books lectures about how news networks need to get a reality check since there is bias fed to the media. This happens when there are a large group of people who think

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    Truth is a precious subject to philosophy and religion. And in the play, Oedipus the King, Oedipus is seeking for the truth that is all he wants to know; who is the murderer of the good old King Laius? When Oedipus walked on the stage, he was extremely determined to find the truth and remove pollution from Thebes, for he said “I will bring this to light again…call the assembly and let it meet

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