FOX proteins

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    than we think: Involving our genes. The first gene discovered to be directly involved in the acquisition and development of speech and language was the Forkhead Box Protein (FOXP2). This gene, located on chromosome 7, appeared during the development of the brain, heart, lungs, and guts in both fetal and adult humans. The FOXP2 protein is what's known as a transcription factor, meaning that it works to regulate the expression of other genes throughout the body, similar to how an “on-off switch” regulates

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    Chaparral biomes are located in small isolated areas throughout most continents, according to Kids do Ecology. These locations are usually by a large body of water such as the oceans. In general, Chaparrals do not cover vast amounts of land area. One Chaparral location example mentioned by Kids do Ecology, is the United States, in Santa Barbra, California. There are also chaparrals around the Mediterranean Sea, Southwest North America, the middle of Chile, Southern Australia and Southwest Africa

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    the decline of a number of species of native animals and they also prey on newborn lambs. In the past, methods have been used to reduce fox numbers in the wild in the hopes to achieve a fox free country, however those techniques such as employing bounty hunters, were rarely effective. Various methods such as hunting seem to have little impact on European Red Fox numbers and thus won't help to cure the damage that the invasive species caused. High priority prevention, such as on islands, which are

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    There was once 3 european minks that lived in a beautiful forest in Europe. Their names were Alex, Roy, and Mel. They lived happily together and would never be separated. One day while playing some games a wolf appeared in their home. The wolf said, “oh lovely minks! I have no place to go, would you mind if I could stay here?” The three minks hesitated for a moment but then said Alex, “of course Mr.Wolf, we would gladly let you stay!” After that the wolf joined them in all the games they played,

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    The Fennec Fox lives in a desert environment, where it is very hot in the daytime, but can get very cold at night. They usually dwell in the deserts in northern Africa and the peninsula of Sinai. The deserts they are in usually stretch from Morocco, across Egypt, south to north Niger and Sudan, and east to Kuwait. This magnificent animal has many ways to help it survive. There are many ways the body saves the Fennec Fox, one being their built-in temperature regulators. The Fennec Fox has abnormally

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    isolated. All the other foxes had disappeared from The Oaklands, and Clare had asked many creatures why. However, she never got an answer, for the other creatures either didn’t know or didn’t want to tell her. In their eyes, Clare was another dishonest fox. Clare had tried to ask Emperor Turtle many times, but she did not even make it past the front gate of his palace. That day, Clare was traveling through the Oaklands. The cool autumn breeze relaxed her, and the sound of leaves crunching under her paws

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    woods while the various birds chirped from the treetops. She approached the mysterious rock that spoke to her in gloomy tone. While sitting on it, tears dripped out of her eyes while she thought about much she has been abused by her step-mother. A fox crawled toward her and rested near her legs, just as the last tear left She opened her eyes and questioned, “What are you doing?” but didn’t expect a

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    others were after the more difficult animals, such as the fox or the beaver. The fox is a very smart animal, its sleek body allows it to run through the forest without making a sound, the fox is also a solitary animal, which means they hunt alone, rather than with a pack. For trappers, this means that they have to set their traps up perfectly, setting up a slight wall so that the fox can only come from a certain direction, which would lead the fox directly over the trap. This also means that a trapper

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    The Siberian Lynx (Lynx lynx wrangeli) is a subspecies of the Eurasian lynx. They inhabit Siberia east of the Yenisei River and in other parts of Russia. The climate is frequently very cold. Eurasian lynxes are the largest of all lynxes. Males weigh upwards of 65 lbs. (about 30 kg); have a height of 30 in. (75 cm) at the shoulder, and a length of 50 in. (130 cm). The Siberian subspecies gets particularly big with males reaching as much as 90 lbs. Their paws are wide, enabling them to walk across

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    “Run” Anna whispered, her voice barely audible as she pressed a hand to her chest. “RUN” She yelled this time, launching herself into a full sprint towards the cave system that the others had already taken cover in. A light humming sound could be heard from not too far away, a sound they knew far too well. “Uncle Mike....” Phoenix’s voice trailed off. “What is that?” Allen asked looking around curiously “I can’t see anything” Before they knew it Mike was on Anna’s tail, dragging Phoenix and Allen

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