France (officially known as Republique Francaise) is a country in western Europe , as well as several overseas regions and territories. The capital and largest city in France is Paris. According to WorldPopulationReview , France has a population of about 64,971,5599. And also 85% of the population of Metropolitan France was white or of European origin, with 10% from North Africa, 3.5% Black (Sub-saharan African) and 1.5% Asian. And for religion , France consist
In ancient times, France was known as Gallia and was conquered by the roman emperor Julius Cesar. Back then, the territory conquered included the lands of Belgium and Switzerland, under the roman empire, many public buildings and theaters were built, many of them are beautiful architectural wonders today, like for example ancient waterways and amphitheaters. After being under control of the roman empire, the Francs conquered France and divided it into three parts. One of those three parts became
France is located on the western coast of Europe, and is home to just under 67 million people. It is the 21st largest country in the world (World Factbook). The capital of France is Paris, which is home to one of the most beautiful structures in the world, the Eiffel Tower. France has mild winters and mild summers generally, unless you are on the coastal edges, where you can expect a little more humidity. It is almost a 100% French speaking country. Religiously they are about 63-66% Christian, 7-9%
When we first think about those two countries a lot of similarities come into our minds. These two countries are very similar between them as they are next to the other. France and Spain have the same time zone and almost the same weather, area and population. They are different in the way of govern; France has an unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic as Spain has an unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The French president is Françoise Hollande and the Spanish President is
The lovely France, known for Paris which is also called “the city of love”. Many dream of traveling to this country for its stunning views, glorious food, and in some cases the fine wine they have available. My Life in France is the story of Julia Child who arrived in France due to her husband’s job. As an American she knew no French, but the culture interested her. Child develops an admiration for the food in France and the deeper she gets involved with it, the more she learns about the country
Overview: (France) France is a republic; the institutions of governance are defined by the Constitution, more specifically the Fifth Republic. The Fifth Republic was established in 1958 and was formed from the workings of General De Gaulle and Michel Debre. It has since been amended 17 times; although the French constitution is parliamentary, it gave relatively extensive powers to the executive (President and Ministers). The Constitution of the Fifth Republic thus sets up a bicameral system in
Headscarves in France In my research I want to look at the headscarf in France and how the French government has made it difficult for Muslim women to integrate into society. France has one of the highest Muslim populations standing at almost 8 percent of their nation’s population; that’s almost 5 million Muslims (Caldwell, 2003). France's government strongly supports the term laicite, which doesn’t translate correctly in the English language, but is similar to secularism (Bowen 2007, 2). Laicite
France Have you ever heard about the awesome and amazing country France? It is an amazing country with delicious foods, amazing sights, and much more! France has potential to be the perfect vacation as well. France has so much amazing things to do there for entertainment as well! France Is a truley amazing country. Here are some amazing facts about France. One awsome thing in France is the famous Eiffel Tower. It is a truley amazing sight, being both massive, tall, and it being a famous
France is known for being one of the largest tourist sites as well as being known for major historical events. Unlike the United States, France elects a president for a five-year term, and the president may be re-elected once. Right now, the president of France is Emmanuel Macron. Macron shares his power with a prime minister, Edouard Philippe. This sharing of power is called a hybrid presidential/parliamentary system (Samuel, 2017). France’s legal system dates back to the age of Napoleon and is
My setting in in France in the 1930s. France is the largest country in Western Europe, with an area of 547,030 square miles. It is twice the size of colorado. France borders the Atlantic Ocean. France is composed of lush plains rich mountains, and beautiful coasts. It is situated between Belgium, Spain and the mediterranean sea. The climate is temperately cold in most of france, except near the mountains or in the northeast, with cool winters and mild summers. Southern France is generally warm, with