Gerald Graff

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    The issue being debated in the article “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff is street smarts versus book smarts. Gerald Graff is an English professor at the University of Illinois and has written many books. The author claims that people are better off if they are more street smart than book smart. The authors is very persuasive using real life examples. I although disagree with this claim. I think that you need an equal mix of both street and book smarts. The author starts by saying that everyone

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    Mathematics, Sciences, Histories, and English. Depending on the grade one is in, the schedule may vary; yet, the student’s school life still revolves around what one would call “ book smarts”. In the essay, “ Hidden Intellectualism”, written by Gerald Graff, the author states schools and colleges may be at fault for failing to include subjects that are considered “street smart” in the curriculum. Being unable to unlock this different, yet common type of intelligence in students and failing to provide

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    In Gerald Graff’s essay Hidden Intellectualism he aims his writing towards schools, universities, teachers and the academic community. He responds to the situation of; teachers, schools and colleges overlooking intellectual potential of “street smarts”. His purpose in this essay is to acknowledge the readers that that there are different types of intellectualism and to point out flaws in the academia. The message Graff is trying to convey is that schools and teachers need to approach education in

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  • Decent Essays

    Intellectualism” Summary In “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff, he starts with the argument of the difference between “book smarts” and “street smarts.” He’s saying even though some people don’t have academic intelligence, they can have common sense or “street smarts.” Graff mainly focuses on how young adults view intellectualism in a negative way that only “nerds” aim for. He also mentions his experiences in hiding his own type of intellectualism. Graff grew up thinking “book smart” was not taken seriously

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    teacher or person of higher authority can overlook a pupil’s potential intellect due to their grades not being the most attractive in a main course subject. Gerald Graff expands to his audience on different areas of the world such as sports intriguing him and bringing out his “book smart” side. In Gerald Graff’s Hidden Intellectualism, Graff argues that all too often students are not given enough variety of topics to demonstrate their potentially brilliant mind. Due to teachers solely focusing on

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    Gerald Graff

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    interests in traditional academic studies is certain to conjure images of an exciting and creative learning environment. These images can leave individuals with a different perception of what true academic structure may be. For American author Gerald Graff, re-developing traditional academic courses to attract personal learning styles is the best way to gain the interest of students and increase their ability to retain knowledge. In contrast, traditional educators argue that learning is best accomplished

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    Rose and Graff

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    and Gerald Graff, of Illinois, discuss the problems college students face today in America. Though similar in slight variations, both professors view the problem in different regards and prepare solutions that solve what they feel to be the heart of this academic problem. Mike Rose, author of The Politics of Remediation, explains that “linguistic exclusion” is the barrier that prevents many new college students from excelling in the academics at any given university. Gerald Graff

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    Gerald Graff Education

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    Professors: Working Together for a Better Education Gerald Graff’s desire as an author and a professor at University of Illinois, is “For American students to do better-- all of them, not just twenty percent“ because he believes that education is not only for the elite few (3). His Clueless in Academe How Schooling Obscures the Life of the Mind strongly emphasizes that the faculty have the tools to succeed, yet does not give these tools to the students. Graff has first hand experience dealing with educational

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    In this essay, “Other Voices, Other Rooms”, Professor Gerald Graff offers that education at a university could be exciting and rewarding for students. However, it applies to those who have developed the skills at summarizing, weighing arguments and synthesizing conflicting points. Unfortunately, not all students possess these skills and as they start getting confused they will care more about appeasing the professor in order to obtain good grades. In return, they will give their professors whatever

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  • Decent Essays

    Undiscovered Intellectualism: An Amendment to Hidden Intellectualism In Hidden Intellectualism, Gerald Graff seeks to expose what he believes to be a fundamental issue in today’s schools and colleges. He brings attention to “street smarts”, students who are intelligent about so many things in life, yet their potential is overlooked because the things they are knowledgeable about are not things we associate with educated life such as cars, sports and video games. He claims that students are more

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