Gough Island

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    Aboriginal Affairs (Giving all Aboriginals a ‘voice’), obtained responsibility for tertiary education over from the states and eradicated tertiary fees, and establishing Supporting Mother’s Benefit’s. These were only a few of their achievements. Gough Whitlam

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    Edward Gough Whitlam: Edward Gough Whitlam, born 11 July, 1916 in Kew, Melbourne was the oldest of two children and the son of Frederick Whitlam. His father’s work took him from Melbourne to Sydney and Canberra during his younger years where he spent his early educational career in various local schools. Whitlam later graduated from the University of Sydney where he received both an arts and a law degree. He then went on to serve as both an Australian politician representing the political labour

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    The Constitution of Australia is a written document, which came into effect when the six colonies federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. It consists of eight chapters and 128 sections and lays down a set of laws or restraints by which the Federal Government must operate. It establishes the composition, procedures, functions, and powers of government, government authorities, such as the Governor General and other essential institutions. The Constitution is the basic framework for

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    In order to change something, one must alter the nature of the content. Gough Whitlam remains one of Australia’s few leaders who can be truly said to have changed Australia, even for the brief period of his time in government. Elected on December 5th 1972 his government brought upon a vast range of reforms in the 1071 days it held office (Thompson, 2014). Within the first year alone, Labor passed 203 bills, which is the most bills passed than any other federal government had passed in a single year

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    "Gough Whitlam has been a towering figure in the Australian Labor Party for longer than I can remember. For more than six decades in politics, Gough Whitlam has aimed at targets higher than personal success or vindication. His energy and enthusiasm combined with the continuing powerful relevance of his goals have made him a hero to many Australians & an iconic figure in Australia's political landscape.” (Excerpt of speech by Senator John Faulkner at Gough Whitlam’s 92nd Birthday, 2008)

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    Gough Whitlam was the 21st Prime Minister in Australia. He was born on the 11th of July, 1916 in Melbourne. Gough Whitlam had a younger sister, Freda. His parents were Fred Whitlam and Janet Turnbull. His father Fred Whitlam was the Commonwealth deputy crown solicitor, and was transferred to Canberra so the family moved to the Nation Capital when Gough Whitlam was only 10 years old. Gough attended a Sydney Grammar school, then a High School in Canberra. He completed his exam to finish high school

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    their own money(Schindeler, 2010). The new face of homelessness became that of women and children escaping domestic violence and the family home due to the empowerment of feminism (Lwin 2011, unpub.). The Labor Government was elected in 1972 and Gough Whitlam’s Government drew on the International Agreement Programs on Human Rights to model a new Australia Social policy (Lwin 2011, unpub.). With the outcry of society the Australian Government in 1973 introduced the Supporting Mothers Benefits (Australian

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    The 1967 Referendum The 1967 referendum concerned the amendment of the discriminatory clauses regarding the Indigenous race within the Australian constitution. Although the 1967 referendum led to the increased awareness of the Indigenous disadvantage, the referendum only had a moderate impact on the advancement of Indigenous rights, due to the slow progression of legislation and implementation of changes that addressed Indigenous disadvantage. Leading up to the 1967 referendum, Indigenous Australians

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    Immigration – Arthur Calwell (Interviewee) – Martin Nguyen 10H2 Interviewer: Good afternoon Arthur Calwell, it is an honor to have you here and allow us to question your immigration aspects. Firstly, I would love to know more about your family and how they came to Australia. Interviewee: Good afternoon to you too, it initially started with my grandpa from America who came to Victoria in 1853 and wedded my Welsh grandma, and my mom is the little girl of an Irishman who had come to Melbourne by a boat

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    In 1960, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gough Whitlam, was calling for independence to be granted by 1970. These calls went unnoticed, and showed what a lack of interest Australian’s had in PNG. Whitlam repeated his call in 1965, this time it was noticed, with a poll showing 30 percent of Australians

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