A Visit to Cades Cove Having lived in the Blount County area all my life, I have taken many weekend trips with my family and friends to Cades Cove, a beautiful place situated in The Great Smokey Mountains. Here you can drive the eleven-mile trail (visiting the homes of people who once resided in Cades Cove), picnic in the park, and camp out for the weekend. Cades Cove contains a lot of history as well as beautiful sites. Located near the Townsend entrance to the Great Smokey Mountains National
He glanced out of the window, watching the sky turning from a deep blue shade to a clear, blue, breezy morning. ‘A good day.’ He made a mental note to himself. The sun baked through the curtains, sharpening his enormous shadow. He thought of that fussy factory owner and sighed. ‘ What am I going to say? Hello, Mr. Martin. I’m afraid I can’t meet you in the hotel this afternoon. Guess what! I have had a terrible twist of fate and have turned into a big, juicy vermin! And
want to get coffee after this? It's on me." Mycroft contemplated this for a moment, he'd never been asked out in his life, let alone by someone so conventionally attractive. But then again, Greg knew nothing of his personality. "Do you make a habit, Gregory, of propositioning random strangers for coffee with awfully made paper aeroplanes?" "Only the nice
Outcasts in society are in need of love and compassion. In the book Tattoos on The Heart by Gregory Boyle, Father Greg gives gang members an opportunity to better themselves by providing them with jobs. Attention makes gang members realize they are worthy. Giving gang members attention makes them apprehend that they are worthy. Yolanda, an active woman from the parish, expressed to Speedy, “‘Sabes que, mijo,” she says, “Te digo una cosa. If anything happened to you, it would break my heart in two”
Fr. Greg Boyle started a ministry called HomeBoy Industries where he helps former gang members adjust from when they are released from prison, establish a stable/steady life and keep them from taking part in gangs again by creating jobs for them. Fr. Boyle’s ministry carries forth the Ignatian maxim to seek the greater glory of God by finding God in all things and embodies Stein’s insight on empathetic love and suffering in the the human community. The video about Fr. Boyle and the HomeBoy industries
appears to be swarming with spiders…The spiders used to be controlled by the birds, but now they, too, have few predators”. An example of a bird which has been successfully preserved from extinction is the Bald Eagle. Due to the extensive use of DDT, excessive hunting, and loss of habitat, the Bald Eagle population in America plunged from around 400,000 in the 1700’s to just 412 nesting pairs in the 1950’s. However, just by imposing regulations on hunting, and by banning DDT, the population has rebounded
BusinessDictionary.com (n.d.), defines corporate social responsibility (CSR) as “a company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment, both ecological and social, in which it operates” (para. 1). When expressing citizenship, companies can do so through its waste and pollution reduction processes, by contributing to educational and social programs, and by earning adequate returns on the employed resources (BusinessDictionary.com, n.d.). Economic, political, and civil society are
I am doing my study on the “northern” Bald Eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus). I chose the American bald eagle because it is one of the fastest and strongest of the eagles. It has been are national symbol since congress adopted it in 1784, to symbolize are courage and power. We are both located in Anchorage Alaska. They can be found anywhere from flying over the city to the remote regions of rural Alaska. This animal is only located in the northlands region. During its life it can be located
*Eastern Chipmunk:The Eastern Chipmunk is a chipmunk found in eastern North America. It is the only living member of the chipmunk subgenus Tamias. It lives in deciduous wooded areas and urban parks throughout the eastern United States & Southern Canada. It prefers locations with rocky areas, brush or log piles, and shrubs to provide cover.It can climb trees well, constructs underground nests with extensive tunnel systems. Carries soil to a different location in its cheek pouches. Hides it’s barrow
Growing up, nothing has been more interesting to me than the animal world. Animals vary in size and shape, they adapt to specific environments, and they all have unique relationships with one another. These things fascinate me. I can’t determine when this obsession grew in me but I can remember my four year old self, drawing every animal I can think of, from moose to flamingos. I would watch nature documentaries whenever I could find them on while flipping through the channels on the television.