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    Load Performance Characteristics of Metal Gusset Plate Trusses vs. Finger Joint Glued Trusses St White Paper: Fire Load Performance Characteristics of Metal Gusset Plate Trusses vs. Finger Joint Glued Trusses Prepared by: Bracken Engineering, Inc. 2701 West Busch Blvd., Suite 200 Tampa, Florida 33618 April 2017 INTRODUCTION The question most firefighters have, “Are trusses with no gusset plates as safe as trusses with gusset plates while being exposed to a fire? Pre-engineered

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    Load Performance Characteristics of Metal Gusset Plate Trusses vs. Finger Joint Glued Trusses St White Paper: Fire Load Performance Characteristics of Metal Gusset Plate Trusses vs. Finger Joint Glued Trusses Prepared by: Bracken Engineering, Inc. 2701 West Busch Blvd., Suite 200 Tampa, Florida 33618 April 2017 INTRODUCTION The question most firefighters have, “Are trusses with no gusset plates as safe as trusses with gusset plates while being exposed to a fire? Pre-engineered

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    Ast1310 Unit 4 Test Paper

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    You asked the following questions: “We have a wood slat ceiling with a black fiberglass mesh backing. The cloth-like fiberglass mesh has a flamed developed rating of zero and met ASTM E84 tests. Approximately 2 in. strips of plywood are located above the mesh to give the wood slats some stability. The wood slats have the longer leg in the vertical position spaced approximately 1.75 in. on center where the opening size is approximately 40 percent. The local fire official has questioned the mesh

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    construction zone collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The bridge that was built out of trusses and gusset plates became the initial factor that caused the accident. The probable cause was presumed to be due to the load capacity of traffic and construction overbearing that day; causing the gusset plates at the U10 nodes to fracture. With the increase in tension and stress compression- the gusset plate ended up snapping. According to NTSB, it is pretty hard to point out who was responsible for the

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    In other sections of the bridge, gusset plates got as thick as 1 3/8”. A thicker plate should have been used on joints like the U10 joint. The designer of the bridge made an error in the design analysis when calculating the thickness of each gusset plate needed for each joint. The design error along with a few other factors led to the collapse of the bridge. When the bridge first opened, the

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  • Decent Essays

    and gusset, and band, band, gusset and seam” (Hood 21, 22). The seam represents a thin line of thread (few rich), a gusset, “a triangular piece of cloth used to expand the armpit part of the shirt” that represents the expanding middle class and band for cuff or collar that represents economic restrictions and oppression faced by the poor (Textile Glossary). The second half of the phrase “band, gusset and seam” (Textile Glossary) represent the poor (band) who supply the bourgeoisie (gusset) and they

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    I-35 W Bridge Failure and Reconstruction Introduction: The I-35W Mississippi river bridge also known as Bridge 9340 officially was an eight-lane, steel truss arch bridge which carried the Interstate 35W across the Mississippi river connected the downtown east and Marcy-Holmes. Its construction began in the year 1964, was finally opened in 1967. It connected the northeast of Metrodome on its south end and the University of Minnesota on the North end. The bridge was the boundary of “Mississippi Mile”

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    performing road work on the bridge, but when they acted on the procedures to carry out their goal was inadequate. The federal and state official of transportation did not provide all the truth with their inspection throughout the years especially the gusset plates load capacity conditions. Throughout the years major since the bridge was

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    report mainly presents causes and consequences that resulted in the structural failure of the I-35W Mississippi River bridge which was constructed since 1964 and the further implication for me. It was found that the bridge collapsed due to undersized gusset plates, inefficient maintenance project and overloaded equipments. As a result of the abrupt collapse that brought about 13 dead and 145 injurers, the state government carried out a series of effective rescue, forced the designing company to pay the

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    Saddle Bags Essay

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    Saddle bags are a great addition to your saddle. From its original leather material, saddle bags are now made out of synthetic material. There are different kinds of Saddle bags that can fit your needs. An important part of the equine track, since the first saddle was invented, is a saddle bag. It is a great addition to your saddle. Since there are things that a person likes to carry with him, saddle bags are good for: * water bottles * rain coat * cell phones and others Saddle bags are originally

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