*The character chosen in this letter is one of the sergeant majors fighting alongside the King of Sweden, Gustavus Adolphus of House Vasa. In this letter, the Swedish soldier documented the battle fought by their forces, the Protestants, against the Catholic League of the Germans led by General Tilly. The soldier sent his letter to his father who will spread the news to the rest of the Swedish people about their victorious battle. I, Sergeant Major John Forbes, am sending this letter to you my honored
Facts: a. Gustavus Adolphus was born on 9 December 1594 in Stockholm, Sweden to Duke Charles of Sweden. Gustavus served as the King of Sweden from 1611 until his death in 1632. He was married to Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg, and had one daughter, Christina. He led the country through many conflicts as an innovative commander, and many consider him to be the reason Sweden developed to be a great power. b. Gustavus Adolphus first gained experience on the battlefield as soon as he became
first explored by a man named Michael Roberts in the 1950s. Roberts said that if the Swedish Empire and the Netherlands had not developed as they did, military strategy and organization would have not evolved for much later. Both the Netherlands and Sweden
Work Environment Paper Good communication skills are imperative for organizations to carry out in an attempt to maintain outstanding performance from employees and management. Every workplace is unique in terms of their diversity profile therefore, is it vital for organization to create and execute creative communication methodologies that will enable organizations to develop a community rather than just your average run of the mill work environment. For example, active listening, collective goal
Cultures are different all across the world, and it’s important to be able to learn about and understand other cultures to help us shape our anthropological insights. With the help of the CBL project and my partner Paul, I was able to interview Victor. The interview process started off awkwardly as there was a setup error and we didn’t quite know where to start. Victor is a man originally from El Salvador that was now residing in St. Peter Minnesota. The interviews took place at the St. Peter community
become a part the French nation and its military. As such, King Charles VIII became the leader of the most powerful state in Europe by advancing the nation-state instead of city-states. Nearly one and a half centuries later, Swedish King Gustavus II Adolphus would further advance the French artillery techniques and make modern modifications to the formation and maneuver of his troops during the Battle of Breitenfeld in 1631 against Count Johann Tilly, an Imperial commander. Tilly formed his forces
Introduction I. The Origins of the Conflict A. Peace of Augsburg of 1555 1. The first legal beginning for Lutheranism and Catholicism in Germany 2. Signed by Charles V B. Calvinists spread through Germany quickly 1. Calvinists began to claim acknowledgment for their rights 2. Added a third important belief to the area a. Not recognized in any way by the Augsburg term C. A battle primary between France and the Hapsburg II. Four Periods of War
The Lament of the Queen of Sweden Luigi Rossi was employed in the Borghese court in Rome in 1620. The seventeenth century in Rome marked an increase in the level of musical productivity. Some of the finest musicians including Frescobaldi, Marlo Mazzocchi, Savioni and Carissimi were active in Rome at this time. Another incredibly important patron of Rossi was Antonio Barberini who was very impressed by Rossi’s works. Rossi’s music circulated in France in the early 1640s as well. In 1641, Ottavio
Ferdinand I to gain power, even if he did not want to admit it. Following the Danish phase of the war, the Swedish phase involved a strong Protestant king of Sweden named Gustavus Adolphus. This phase of the war was sparked because of a mix between political and religious reasons. The Swedes invaded Germany due to the fact that Gustavus Adolphus saw the Danish phase as
Pappenheim’s defeated formations fell back, the rest of the Imperial cavalry attacked the Saxon army holding Gustavus’ left flank. The inexperienced (but apparently well-dressed) Saxon infantry, which was formed into Tercios like their Catholic opponents were routed and fled the field in panic. Over 3000 of them were cut down by pursuing cavalry. The rout of the Saxons was a massive problem for Gustavus. This is where his adaptation of the linear formation saved him. In warfare such as this, the flanks