According to the Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, hemophilia also spelled haemophilia, is a genetic disorder of the mechanism of blood clotting that is usually inherited (Fallon 1276). The symptoms of this disease can range from mild to severe which makes prognosis very difficult to determine. Sylvia Mader says, “Hemophilia is called the bleeder’s disease because the affected person’s blood either does not clot or clots very slowly” (489). Hemophilia is a rare genetic disease that
SYMPTOMS OF HEMOPHILIA Student Name Institutional Affiliation Date Abstract This research paper is about the various symptoms of hemophilia. The paper is going to outline and deeply describe the various ways that hemophilia manifests itself on patients. The paper also encompasses the factors that triggers the symptoms and the afterward effects on the individual. This paper will involve sourcing information from several books written by reputable authors and also getting information from the websites
Hemophilia is the oldest known hereditary bleeding disorder. There are two types of hemophilia, A and B (Christmas Disease). Low levels or complete absence of a blood protein essential for clotting causes both. Patients with hemophilia A lack the blood clotting protein, factor VIII, and those with hemophilia B lack factor IX. A person with severe hemophilia has less than 1% of the normal amount of a clotting factor - either Factor VIII (8) or Factor IX (9). People without hemophilia have between
"Haemophilia A: Molecular Insights." Clinical Chemical Laboratory Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 17 Apr. 2007. Web. 29 Aug. 2015. . Meyers, R., W. Adams, K. Dardick, J. Reinisch, F. Reyn, T. Renna, and O. McIntyre. "The Social and Economic Impact
Hemophilia Epidemiology Student Name Institutional Affiliation Date Abstract This paper on the epidemiology of hemophilia is very comprehensive. It involves substantial research on the topic from various books and websites of highly recognized organizations such as World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The purpose of this paper is to determine the causes, effects and prevalence of hemophilia in the world. The paper will also cover on severity and management of
hemophilia. For mild hemophilia A sufferers, they are injected with DDAVP which is a hormone that stimulates the missing blood clotting factors. For severe Hemophilia B and A, infusions and sometimes blood transplants are used. For the rarer Hemophilia C, in the US, plasma infusions are used, while in Europe, patients are supplied with clotting factor 11. Physical therapy is also offered to some
Hemophilia (sometimes spelled haemophilia) is a rare genetic blood disorder which prevents blood from clotting normally. There are two types of hemophilia, and they are hemophilia A and hemophilia B. Hemophilia A is also called classic hemophilia, and is caused by a mutated or missing factor VIII, which is a clotting protein. Hemophilia B is sometimes called Christmas disease, because the disorder was first reported in a patient with the last name Christmas. Hemophilia B is caused by a mutated
Hemophilia Within today’s society there are hundreds of diseases that can be broken down into the subcategories of preventable and non-preventable. For example, sexually transmitted diseases can be categorized as preventable as long as an individual can remain abstinent. It is always reassuring that with a healthy and sustained lifestyle, you can decrease your chances of developing any harmful effect to your body. Unfortunately, preventable is not always the case. A randomized group of people can
On this Essay, I have decided to talk about Haemophilia because is a disease that is affecting people from different ages and sex. Haemophilia is a genetic disorder caused by the deficiency in the clotting factor 8 (Haemophilia A) or clotting factor 9 (Haemophilia B). This disease is incurable and can be life threatening without the proper treatment. Going back in history, Haemophilia is also known as “Royal Disease”. This is because Queen Victoria was a carrier of the disease gene and passed it
Hemophilia is an inherited bleeding disorder that is passed from mother to son. This affliction is passed in such a way due to the fact that the gene that is responsible for hemophilia is carried on the X chromosome that the child receives from his mother. For someone to be afflicted by hemophilia means that their blood has a difficult time clotting. There people do not bleed any faster than the average person, they simply cannot stop bleeding once they start bleeding. As of this current moment,