way of expressing who I am through each move. These five songs I associate with my traveling experiences and how they have impacted my perspective on life. Days Go By by Keith Urban, Bartender by Lady Antebellum, The Big Rock Candy Mountain by Harry McClintock, Send My Love by Adele and I would walk 5,000 miles by Mary Carpenter are my top five songs of traveling with music. While traveling and seeing the world,
Transposable elements are useful for carrying out gene tagging and functional genomics studies. In plants, various transposable element systems like Ac/Ds, En/Spm, and Mu from maize have been utilised for gene determining tools. Of these, Ac/Ds transposons system has been efficiently used for such studies in various heterologous monocot species like rice, barley and dicot species. Wild barley, being a rich source of novel useful genes, can be exploited as a transpososn based gene tagging resource
Look Pass the Label A few weeks ago, I visited the Museum of Modern Art. As I was going through the second exhibition a particular painting caught my attention. Still life with three puppies by Paul Gauguin was titled. My first encounter with this painting was through the title, which made me create negative hypothesis on what the painting was depicting. When looking at this painting all I could think about was my lack of fascination towards animals, especially puppies, while the person standing
Barbara McClintock was born on June 16, 1902, in Hartford, Connecticut (Tracy). When she was born, the terms “gene” or “genetics” did not exist (Keller 1). Yet, by the time she was finished with her work, advanced terms in genetics, such as “transposable elements” had come about. McClintock was born to Thomas and Sara McClintock. Thomas came from a poor background but became a doctor. He also had an interest in science, which may have been where Barbara’s interest originated (The Editors of Encyclopædia
What images are associated with the words “hero”? A muscular Hercules saving the world from Hades? A knight in shining armor bravely riding into combat? Words like bravery, strength, pride, and self-sacrifice are commonly connected with a classic hero. But are those the only characteristics that make someone heroic? A dictionary definition of a hero is “a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities”; however, this is a very elastic definition and there
H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act When president Obama was a candidate in the 2008 election he promised wide scale health care reform that would increase the availability and affordability of medical insurance for a large portion of the American population. At the time of his campaign, millions of low-income Americans were stuck in the Medicaid gap – where they could not afford health insurance, but also were not eligible for the joint state and federal government Medicaid
David Heyman and the Harry Potter Film Franchise FTV 434 Taylor Grewe December 11, 2013 The role of a producer in the filmmaking process involves financial and technical responsibilities, as well as creative responsibilities. As the industry evolved, producers were typically associated with the financial and technical side of filmmaking, more so than the creative side. However, in the last three decades, more and more producers are being recognized for their creative involvement (Pardo 2). In 1997
sorted into a house, and I would just have to sleep in Dumbledore’s office. That would be cool, maybe I would get to braid his beard. “Whatcha thinking about?” George asked from beside me. We were on our way to the Leaky Cauldron, where apparently Harry was staying after he blew up his aunt. We all had a good laugh about that. “Braiding Dumbledore’s beard,” I replied casually. He gave me a weirded out look, as did basically everyone else in the car that heard me. I shrugged. They asked a question
After the success of her popular Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling has recently branched out from writing children’s literature. Her first adult novel, The Casual Vacancy, explores more mature topics and is aimed at a new demographic than her previous works. She challenges social issues with her dark themes and her impeccable writing style captures the wide range of problems at the heart of a small town. It becomes more apparent throughout the novel that each character is connected in a web of
Bernard Madoff Financial Scandal I would first like to begin this paper by saying why I decide to chose this topic out of the 3 choices. I believe that all of the choices were credible and a viable topic in their own regards, but the reason this one hit home for me was because of the simplicity of the scandal. It’s hard to believe that someone could have made off with the amount of money Bernard did when the idea of a Ponzi scheme was notable as early as the 19th century, and was named after Charles