Has there ever been a point in your life that you wished you could be a superhero or superhuman? Most, if not all, people’s answer to that question would be a resounding “yes,” including mine. Over the years, more TV shows and movies have begun to incorporate what we would consider to be our “heroes” into them. These shows, or movies, consist of a hero, or heroes, that are typically aided by friends and a team that help them fight evil; two examples of this are Arrow and The Flash. Hero shows, or
Superheroes almost all have the same goal: to save their city. Although they all seem to have the same goal, they are not the same person. One superhero might have social anxiety, while another superhero is a social butterfly. No superhero has the same exact same superpower or personality. In the Detective Comics series, there are over ten thousand characters, including superhero’s. Two of my favorite superheroes are The Flash and The Green Arrow. Although the Flash and The Green Arrow seem to be
The Battle of Little Bighorn is one of the most contentious fights in American history. It was an intense fight between the Plains Indians, and the white men who fought to take their land. General George Armstrong Custer led troops into a battle in which none of them came out alive. Underestimating his enemy, along a big ego led Custer straight to his death; he would be the most talked about soldier in history. The Battle of Little Bighorn was legendary in the fact of the roles of the Indians and
Batman characters. Bill Finger was also the writer for most of the early Green Lantern comics. Gardner Fox was another great writer for DC not only was he the writer for The Flash and Hawkman, but he wrote some early Batman stories. One of the greatest artists DC had was Joe Kubert who’s work included The Flash, Hawkman, and Sargent Rock. He would later go on to start his own art school. One of the more eccentric artists that worked for DC is Alan Moore who brought us Return of the Dark Knight and The
Flight vs Invisibility: One, a hero, the other a villain Humanity has observed the heavens, viewing the feathered birds above them, being contemptuous with their freedom of being winged creatures with the ability of flight. According to Orville Wright, “The dream to be able to fly like birds is as old as humanity itself” (Wright), something embedded in the minds of humanity. To possess flight, is to own the ability to resist the pull of a planet’s gravity and navigate through the sky, which many
The 1940s were known as the golden age of comics. Many superheroes recognizable in mainstream popular culture today originated during this time, becoming favorites of the young and old alike. Unsurprisingly, superheroes usually experience their greatest success during times of transition and uncertainty, such as America moving from economic crisis into armed conflict (Bainbridge 746). While this essay will be focusing on the overall influence of all American Superheroes on society during the 1940s
1938 saw the first appearance of Batman. More of a mystery comic than a superhero comic book, Batman was inherently different from the pure and clean Superman. He was a gritty and depressing character that has been able to remain in print even to this day. Rather than using superpowers, Batman uses detective abilities that allowed him to solve cases and find perpetrators. (“The History of Comic Books.” TheComicBooks.com.) But not even Batman, Superman, or even Captain Marvel could brace themselves