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    In ancient times, Helen of Troy was known far and wide for her astounding beauty. She was the wife of Menelaus, a Greek king. She abandoned her husband for a young Trojan prince named Paris. Menelaus enraged by his wife’s betrayal, began preparations for what is known as the Trojan War. Now in modern times many writers use this legend as poetic inspiration, but certainly view Helen in different ways. These diverse viewpoints of Helen are made known by the different tones between Edgar Allen Poe’s

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  • Decent Essays


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    In Helen by H.D, the view of the poem is resentment and mainly hatred and throughout the poem, the author’s diction is dark and creepy. For instance, this poem describes the image of Helen as a “wan” and is “white,” meaning that she is pale and sickly when she is suppose to be known as someone beautiful. In the first stanza, “All Greece hates,” literally means all of Greece hates Helen and also, it compares Helen as the “the lustre of olives,” meaning instead of her shining, she is rather dark. Again

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    way. This can be presented by the use of the character, Helen, in the Odyssey and in Sappho’s Fragment 16. Homer and Sappho use Helen in their stories in conflicting ways to differentiate epic and lyric poetry while also expressing different ideas and perspectives. In both the Odyssey and Sappho’s Fragment 16, Homer and Sappho speak of and acknowledge Helens beauty. Though, they do so in different ways. In the Odyssey, Homer compares Helen to that of a goddess using Artemis as an example. Although

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  • Decent Essays

    Court Case against Helen Helen was the most beautiful in the ancient Greek world. she was the daughter of god Zeus and Leda, as well as she was Queen of Sparta. Due to her beauty every suitors want to marry her. Many suitors came from different parts of ancient Greece and fight for her. They all took an oath that Helens father decision would be final for the marriage and that warrior would be protected by all other suitors for rest of his life. Menelaus, the king of Mycenaean was decided by

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    The Abduction Of Helen

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    The painting depicts the abduction of Helen. Paris captures Helen and brings her to Troy. The ship in dock suggests Paris travelled a great distance to find Helen. The men in the center appear to be quarrelling. Several men are holding spears and swords. These are their common weapons. They are likely comprised of both Helen’s men and Paris’s men. There are two figures dressed in similar outfits of red-orange. The cloth has a more intricate pattern, which may indicate a noble or royal. The background

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Good Essays

    from. In the case of Helen of Omeros, the narrator is constantly trying to fit her into the box created the legacy of Helen of Tory/Odyssey. However, Helen of Omeros’ strong will and personality and overall uniqueness is still able to shine through, despite the narrator’s biases, and we are able to see the individual differences between the two women and their connection to the evolution of Helen throughout history. We only catch a glimpse of Helen in the Odyssey, but Helen in Walcott’s Omeros is

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  • Decent Essays

    Doolilittle And To Helen

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    Attractive people can be either admired or detested. (CI) In “To Helen” by Edgar Allan Poe, Helen of Troy is greatly respected, but in “Helen” By Hilda Doolittle, Helen is hated for her beauty. (GS1) Helen’s beauty can be persuasive, it is either viewed as positive or negative. (GS2) Greece plays a big role in both of the poems. (GS3) The tone of the poems play a big role in deciphering the meanings. (Thesis) These two texts display Helen of Troy very differently. (TS)Beauty can tell a lot about someone

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  • Good Essays

    Epoch Of Helen

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    Helen of Troy is regarded as the most beautiful woman in the world. She is desired by every man, and she essentially started The Trojan War, which lasted 10 years. Helen is a central figure in various Greek mythological stories for her beauty as well as for her decisions and actions. Despite these main similarities, in various stories Helen is depicted totally differently. The way in which Helen is portrayed is different from epoch to epoch, and from culture to culture. The three main epochs that

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  • Decent Essays

    Helen Monologue

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    There was gossip all over Sparta that Queen Helen had been captured. They said she had been captured by the Trojan prince Paris. The rumors were true, Queen Helen had been captured by Prince Paris. I only knew this because King Menelaus was upset by the capture of his wife and persuaded his brother King Agamemnon of Mycenae to lead an expedition to retrieve her. I am one of the soldiers he sent. Being a soldier is excellent for me, I can kill openly and no one will question it. I boarded one of the

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  • Decent Essays

    Helen In The Odyssey

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    contrast to this stereotype, Homer, though his book the Iliad, demonstrated women such as Andromache, Brises and Helen playing an enormous role for the Trojans, Achaean and the major war itself through their presents in the lives of the protagonist which change the outcome of the war completely. To begin with, Andromache played a major role in the Iliad

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