According to the analysis of variance SPH model study (Table 4.), it was understood that the model was significant since its P-value is 0.1, which indicated the independent variables did not have an effect on the dependent variable. The values for AB, AC, and BC were 0.5, 0.2, and 0.4, respectively, showed little or no effect on glucan yield. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the model was 0.91, which indicated that the model could represent the real relationships among the selected reaction
Plants are composed of lignocelluloses which are a combination of hemicelluloses (15-35%), cellulose (20-50%) and lignin (10-30%) on dry weight (Figure 1) .This chemical composition is different in dicots and monocots. Agricultural residues, energy crops (sugarcane and poplar), wood residues and municipal paper waste are abundant in lignocelluloses. Cellulose is a complex structure composed of glucosyl units linked by β-1, 4 bonds held together by strong intra and intermolecular hydrogen bonds and
investigated the hydrothermal treatment of sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) powder for the extraction of hemicellulose from it. Changes in chemical composition of SSB and the formation of sugars and hydrolytic products were studied. The optimum conditions of 12.54% (g/g) substrate concentration and 90 minutes of isothermal treatment residence time at 394 K were conducive to the extraction of 72.61-72.77% hemicellulose and producing a hydrolysate containing 56.06-63.54 g/L reducing sugars and 5.52-6.80 g/L furfurals
Thus, the foremost step in the biochemical conversion is the pretreatment of the biomass, which involves the deconstruction of the cell wall into its components, i.e., the lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose (Sun and Cheng, 2002; Kumar et al., 2009). The biomass can be pretreated using different physical, chemical, biological or combination of these methods (Kumar et al., 2009). Each method has its own advantages and limitations. The
A B S T R A C T We know that our conventional source of energy like coal, fossil fuel etc. are limited in amount so this is creating a serious concern in front of Human civilisation. Bio-fuel is an alternative source of energy which can provide energy to today’s human growth path. In this article we have reviewed many research work which has been done till today in subject of Biomass conversion to Biofuel and we also presented what are the pros and cons have those technologies, which technology will
from crops such as corn or wheat. Lignocellulosic biomass: Also known as plant residue and is derived from woody waste such as sugarcane bagasse, corn Stover and wheat straw i.e. non-edible parts of the plant. It is composed of mainly cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. (4) Bioethanol: The fuel of the future The invention of the internal combustion engine in vehicles signalled the reign of dominance of petroleum as the premium source of transport fuel. Fast forward
The goal of this project to use detergents and surfactants to decellularize spinach leaves, leaving just the extracellular matrix. In addition, the secondary goal is to culture rat cardiac cells and use the extracellular matrix as a three-dimensional scaffolds for tissue growth. Tissue Engineering As stated by Castells-Sala et al. (2013) “tissue Engineering is a [developing] scientific field focused on the development substitutes for tissues by controlling biological, biophysical and/or biomechanical
Since vitamin Bs are synthesized by the germs in the intestines, it is very important to increase the number of probiotics. When probiotics dominate bad germs, many diseases can be prevented. 11. Phytic Acid Phytic acid is rich in grains and legumes, It prevents ischaemic heart disease, suppresses acid secretion of kidneys, and decreases a blood cholesterol level. 12. Inositol Inositol is a soluable vitamin belongs to the vitamin b group and it is an important substance of phospholipid and highly
Fossil resources support about 86% of our energy and 96% of our organic chemicals needs and are responsible for about three quarters of the anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide [1][2][3]. Moreover, with the world economy expanding unprecedentedly and industrialization happening all over the planet, the enormous demand for fuels is potentially overwhelming. Fuel prices increased by 462% and reached $3.89/gallon between January 2003 and July 2008, and has been growing steadily except for times
Analytical reagent grade sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, ethanol, AA, N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide (MBA), AMPS, potassium Persulfate (KPS) were supplied by Tianjin Fuchen Chemicals. Corn straws were purchased from Huimin County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province. 1.1 Preparation of sulfonic cellulose by pretreating corn straws Dry corn straws were ground and sieved using a 40-mesh sieve. Then, the resulting corn straw crash was made alkaline with 15% NaOH solution at 55 °C in a water bath for