Ideal american

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  • Decent Essays

    The American dream is, “an American social ideal that stresses egalitarianism and especially material prosperity; also; the prosperity of life that is the realization of this ideal” (Britanni Academic). The American dream is a standard outline for every individual with different views that completes their material wealth, equality, and comfort. Example, my American dream is to be successful, travel the world, and to live in a peaceful world with no violence. My parents who immigrated from Mexico

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The American dream is the ideal that every citizen of the US should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. “The American Dream wasn’t seen as fame or fortune…the American Dream was opportunity” (Casaigne). This set of ideas is imprinted in us that our freedom includes the opportunity to succeed and reach this point that we are happy with ourselves, our family, and those of which we surround ourselves with. It also portrays that

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  • Decent Essays

    The “American Dream” is a cultural ideal in today’s society that reflects our values as a country. It is generally thought of as the idea of a merit-based system where no one man is above another. This system works great in theory, because it instills the idea that hard work helps people to achieve their goals. This cultural ideal is rooted in American history, when we revolted against the British and decided as a country that we were going to support those who possess a blue collar mentality

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    What is the American dream? The American dream is the ideal of freedom for the people who didn’t have freedom from where ever they came from. From another place, America sounds like a great place to live and be successful and have whatever they want. The American dream still exist so some people but maybe just to the people that came to American to live. I don’t think people in America now a day’s care about America or the American dream. But the American dream is different today. Throughout history

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  • Better Essays

    The American Ideal “If approval replaced dedication as creativity’s fuel, this world Would be barren, empty, decidedly less lovely.” – Jen Hatmaker In his will, newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer specified that a $1,000 prize be awarded each year “for the American novel; published during the year which shall best present the whole atmosphere of American life, and the highest standards of American manners and manhood” (6). However, in 1917, the president of Columbia University and Pulitzer advisory

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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Ideal American Conventionally, the average American is a male with a nine to five job and two and a half children. The average American seeks nothing more than the life they already have. However, the average American is not an ideal American. The ideal American seeks something greater. The ideal American is independent, opportunistic, and persistent. Jack “Jackie” Robinson was an American baseball player who loved his sport and changed views all around the country doing it. Every day he stepped

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  • Decent Essays

    An Ideal American

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    An ideal American is not just someone who was merely born in America, but rather it is someone who exhibits certain exemplary character traits in his everyday life. First, an ideal American needs to be honest because a country cannot be truly united if its people are not honest with each other. Next, he has to have integrity due to the line between savagery and altruism in a society hanging on its people's understanding of right and wrong.Also, he has to be knowledgeable about politics, so that he

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    American Identities & Ideals A question most fascinating to me is where in history does the first hint of American ideals and identities originate from? If we were to look at where the fiery passions of an American identity first arise we have to look to where the colonists first fought for their right to be a recognized citizen of America. American colonists formed their identity through the ideas of liberty, resistance to unfair British jurisdiction, and cultural diversity. Their identities formed

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  • Decent Essays

    is the American Dream characteristic of American ideals and philosophy? What are the differences between the materialistic and the idealistic values associated with the American Dream? Which other readings from this semester (American or other) share some of the same concerns/tensions? The American dream is characterized by a person who actually gets achieve their goals in America. It is hard for an immigrant to move to America because of the barriers they face. I would say the American dream

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    American Ideals The 5 american ideals were created more than 200+ years ago and people still don’t respect most of them, especially equality. People all over are being killed, hurt or treated unfairly just because of their race, sexual preference, religion, or even if they were just born a little different than the rest of us. Equality has gotten better, we are still far from where we need to be with equality but we are slowly moving into the right direction. In the founding documents

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