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    Amanda Hawley English 112 J Matt Fox December 3, 2015 Reflections of a Soul: The Repercussions of Immorality in The Picture of Dorian Grey. The Victorian Era was that of high moral intellect. During this time in history society looked upon its self as having the right to judge anything and anyone who did not share this outlook as being irrevocably reprehensible. The term "Victorian morality" has described any values that marry sexual restraint, a low tolerance for crime and a strict social code of

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    Immorality of Pornography

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    Ken Stoye Ethics 2050 - 014 April 19, 2005 The Immorality of Pornography The argument over the morality of pornography can take shape in many different ways. In order to take a stance, it's important to identify what exactly is included in the definition of pornography. In this paper, pornography will be defined as sexually explicit materials in which the acts depicted degrade or subordinate women. The degradation and subordination can occur through various different acts, but in an attempt to

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    Immorality In We

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    The Use of Mathematical Concepts to Symbolize Irrationality in We Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We is a dystopian epistolary novel about an engineer, D-503, and his experiences up until the time the Integral is finished being built. The Integral is a spacecraft that will be used to travel to other planets and spread the philosophy of OneState, which is the perfect society that D-503 lives in that runs solely on logic and mathematics. Because D-503 lives in this logical world, he depends on math for a rational

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    Machiavelli's Immorality

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    The Morality and Immorality of Necessary Evil In order to maintain a kingdom, does a Prince need to be immoral? According to Machiavelli’s advice in The Prince, sometimes it is necessary to be immoral to obtain a perfect kingdom. “It is better to be feared than loved” is a statement repeated throughout Machiavelli’s book. This statement is a concept that can be viewed as immoral or moral. Other concepts such as a ruler doing evil when politically necessary and the concept that in order to hold a

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  • Decent Essays

    profession of love. She uses her own experiences with her husbands to give others advice. Throughout the tale, the Wife of Bath shows sexual immorality, arrogance, and manipulative characteristics making her an impostores woman. Sexual immorality can easily register to society as something truly wrong. The Wife of Bath appears to endure sexual immorality based on the words Chaucer uses to describe her. She claims in The Prologue of her tale, that she will not keep her virginity by saying, “I

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  • Decent Essays

    Iago's Immorality

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    Shakespeare's Iago is one of Shakespeare's most complex villains. At first glance Iago's character seems to be pure evil. However, such a villain would distract from the impact of the play and would be trite. Shakespeare to add depth to his villain makes him amoral, as opposed to the typical immoral villain. Iago's entire scheme begins when the "ignorant, ill-suited" Cassio is given the position he desired. Iago is consumed with envy and plots to steal the position he feels he most justly deserves

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    Illness As Immorality

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    Illness as Immorality As the definition of health has evolved over the years, the framework surrounding the concept has as well. For instance, rather than measure health versus illness, it is now more common to compare “wellness” to illness. Similarly, the context of responsibility has been shaped and redefined to fall on the shoulders of the individual. That is, now a person’s health is seen almost exclusively as his or her responsibility. Rather than consider illness as an unfortunate and usually

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    “The essence of immorality is the tendency to make an exception of myself” (Addams). Immorality is a very subjective concept, but sometimes it is undeniable. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Abigail Williams is shown to be the most immoral character through her constant disregard of others throughout the different events of the story, furthering the point that when in fearful situations people will only think about themselves. To begin, Abigail is shown disregarding others safety out of fear of

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  • Good Essays

    his long-time goal to write a novel. Golding became more conscientious about humanity and seemed to develop a broader view of the human psyche, which the theme of the novel derives from. Good vs. evil, civilization vs. savagery, and morality vs. immorality are the main themes in Lord of the Flies. The story takes place during the years of a war on an uninhabited island in an unknown area, where a plane transporting young British schoolboys was shot down and, ironically,

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    The Immorality of the Death Penalty Word Count: 1580 Capital Punishment was adopted by America when the state of Virginia carried out the colonies’ first execution in 1608 (“History of the Death Penalty”). Since then, usage of the death penalty has been instituted by 36 states, making execution the ultimate form of punishment. Although in theory the death penalty seems like a viable method of punishment, in practice, it has serious flaws that damage the integrity of the state. Capital Punishment

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