Inquiry-based science

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    The Inquiry Approach to Learning Essay

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    Inquiry is an interactive way of learning. Students are actively engaged in their studies. Inquiry involves student-centered activities focusing on questioning, exploring, and posing explanations. The goal of inquiry is to introduce a new way of learning where students can learn about the world around them through active engagement in real-life examples. Inquiry based learning can be incorporated into all academic subjects throughout the curriculum. Science could possibly be the most effective

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    Elementary Methods Unit 5: Science Inquiry in the Classroom Summary: In today?s traditional science classroom, teachers are the givers of knowledge and present the required information in either a lecture or presentation method. Students are expected to sit quietly, take notes and retain the information for the test at the end of the unit. When student do engage in science activities, they do not often connect the concept with the activity with causes a lack of student understanding and retention

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    develop critical thinking skills necessary to function in the world of science, and the world in general, science teachers must incorporate more robust authentic inquiry activities, as part of their overall science curriculum. However, in my experience as a science teacher (18 years) and a science program director (3 years) in inner-city high schools in Boston, students do not have the opportunity to engage in robust authentic inquiry activities. Using my years’ experience in the public education system

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    an excellent job at describing one way to do so. The author was all about using the inquiry based learning. The author explained this type of learning in a way that I could see myself using it within my classroom. Although the author is an advocate for using inquiry learning within science classes I could see myself using this type of learning within other areas of instruction as well. If I would use inquiry based learning within language arts or math it would still encourage creativity because the

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    How Teachers Can Use Social Constructivist-Based Instructional Practices To Improve Student Achievement Yumi Kim 310-200-7672 GED 501 Seminar in Learning and Development California State University of Dominguez Hills December 2014 Abstract Instructional practices based in social constructivism involve students constructing new knowledge utilizing social interaction amongst themselves and with teachers. Learner-centered classrooms require significant planning and

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    Inquiry Learning in the Humanities Classroom 1.0 What is Inquiry Learning in Humanities and Social Sciences? Humanities and Social sciences is one of the most important subjects in the Australian Curriculum because it leads students into learning about people and how people interact with each other and the environment. It is foundational to sustainable practices and civic responsibility. As parents, you may remember Geography; History; Business and Economics; and Civics and Citizenship as being

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    called “directed living (Jones, 2008). Dewey felt that through “directed living” would come freedom. He equalized freedom with growth. The next theorist was Jean Piaget. Piaget focused more on cognitive constructivism and social constructivism. He based his theory off of enhancing student’s logical and conceptual growth. Piaget referred to this as “cognitive structure” (Jones, 2008). Piaget emphasized schema and how teachers influence the students. “Piaget's theory includes assimilation and accommodation

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    Overview of the issue Despite valuable research in the field of engaging diverse students in science education, there is still a “gap” where these groups continue to be underrepresented and marginalized in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields (Brotman &Moore, 2008). Research indicates that the problem arises early in the classroom where curriculum and classroom environment does not account for the increase of diverse students’ groups in the classroom. Furthermore,

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    There have not been many significant literature reviews about teachers using inquiry based instructional strategies to teach science and to plan units and meet curriculum demands. However, most literature that was found suggests that teachers that use instructional strategies in their unit plans and lessons give teachers an opportunity to meet curriculum demands. Doing unit plans and lessons with an inquiry-based approach works very well because of limited time elementary teachers have. A lot of

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    Inquiry is the process that governs how students learn within the contents of science education. The textbook defined inquiry as the process that students should use to learn science (Martin, Sexton, Franklin, Gerlovich, & McElory 2009). They should be able to ask questions, use their questions to plan and conduct a scientific investigation, use appropriate science tools and scientific techniques, evaluate evidence and use it logically to construct several alternative explanations, and communicate

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