In the book The Shallows, Nicholas Carr discusses the impact that technology has on humans. He introduces two philosophical viewpoints: determinism and instrumentalism. Determinism is the philosophical idea that assumes that a society’s technology dictates the development of its social structure and cultural values. The second viewpoint being instrumentalists, states people who devalue the power of technology. Instrumentalists believe that tools are just instruments that auxiliate their users
Introduction Since the 2008 financial crisis, economists have been blamed for their incapability to predict the collapse of the financial system with economic models. It has been widely debated about the role of economic models, in particular their underlying assumptions and their ability to predict the upcoming events. Colander et al pointed out that unrealistic assumptions plays a main role in the failure of economic models (Colander et al 2009: 7-10). Opponents would invariably point their fingers
Every ethnic group is important into how we understand each other. With this being said, I find it particularly interesting about the creation of the Latino population. As a short background the Latino population was created through three specific ethnic groups. Africans, white europeans and the indigenous population of the Caribbean. I plan on examining the Latino population by discovering their group identity and critiquing their political engagement and influence through three different theoretical
based on a parallel which Le Poidevin establishes between instrumentalism as it applies to science and to theism. Le Poidevin’s parallel has a serious flaw, which is that whether it is true or false, it indicates that a realist belief in Christianity is the only option. In order to show this error, we must assume each possibility and see where it leads. To begin, we must briefly clarify instrumentalism and Le Poidevin’s parallel. Instrumentalism with regard to science, as Israel Scheffler describes
miniature virtual internal representation (Lloyd, 1991; Thau, 2002). Instrumentalism is a methodological view where theories and notions are seen as instruments, and their value is measured by how effective and efficient they are in explaining and predicting a phenomena. Theories are not seen as truth evaluating by instrumentalism (Popper, 1959; Dewey, 1984; Thagard, 2002; Van Fraassen, 2002). Pragmatism is a branch of instrumentalism - “a similar concept”, which holds that something is true only when
Military regimes that favor Islamic-situated governments have controlled national politics since Sudan gained freedom from Anglo-Egyptian co-rule in 1956. Sudan was entangled in two post-independence civil war amid the greater part of the rest of the twentieth century. These wars were based on the northern Muslims, Arabs economic, political, and social control of the more largely populated non-Muslim, non-Arab southern Sudanese. The first war ended with the 1972 Addis Ababa Agreement, which granted
Austin Bartlett Professor Diehl November 12, 2017 Nothing Personal Movie Review Nothing Personal is set in Belfast during the “Troubles”, shortly after the 1975 cease-fire between the Protestant Irish Republican Army, the Catholic Ulster Volunteer Force, and the peacekeeping British government. The film focuses on the perspectives of Kenny, a vigilante Protestant, and Liam, a family-man and Catholic. A ceasefire agreement between the UVF and the IRA is brokered. After the ceasefire, Kenny and his
identity can change over time in a society with the effects of historic events, changes in the social environment and the active participation of the people to create new social constructs and institutions. In order for nationalism to even start several prerequisites had to be met. These were the creation of a print system for books to be created. These books would spread the ideas of nationalism, the enlightenment and other philosophical movements across the world. Next is the capitalist system
of ethnic conflict. Therefore, this short answer will be two-fold: first, a critical understanding of instrumantalism will be provided in order to illustrate why resources are important? Second, a case of Aceh will be explained along with the instrumentalism. In the article Containing Fear: The Origins and Management of Ethnic Conflict, Lake and Rothchild sited that the intense ethnic conflict is most often caused by collective fear of the future (Lake and Rothchild 1996, 41). Their explanatory framework
theory, social construction theory, and psychological theories - contain aspects that are applicable to this Native American conflict, while other theories do a poor job of explaining the conflict. On the other hand, one theory from this course – instrumentalism – is not useful in explaining the conflict. One theory that is useful for explaining this Native American conflict is primordialism. One of the main ideas of primordialist theory is a biologically traceable