It's Kind of a Funny Story

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    To have hope is to be able to see the light amid the darkness. This is a notion shown in Ned Vizzini’s “It’s Kind of a Funny Story”. The protagonist is a teenage boy named Craig, who struggles with depression. One night, Craig checks himself into a hospital because of his suicidal thoughts. He then gets placed in the adult psychiatric ward called Six North. The novel “It’s Kind of a Funny Story” demonstrates that it is crucial to remain positive during hard times as there will be better days, with

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    It’s Kind of a Funny Story The summer after my sophomore year was hell. Choices I had made led me into serious trouble with my parents, who made sure that I didn’t have a chance to make more mistakes like that again. Only being let out of the house to work on the farm for my grandpa, I had to find different forms of entertainment. This was when I got back into reading. I have always loved reading, but never had time to, or was too busy with other things to sit down and actually enjoy a good book

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  • Decent Essays

    Books possess the ability to open the mind, increase creativity, and deliver an enlightening education. “It’s Kind of a Funny Story”, a young adult novel by Ned Vizzini, is about a teenager whose dealing with depression while attending a prestigious school in New York, which subsequently lands him in a psychiatric hospital due to suicidal intentions. This particular book has affected me in a similar way the dictionary affected Malcolm X, it encouraged me to face and combat my inner demon; attention

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Over 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide. It’s Kind of a Funny Story, written by Ned Vizzini, is a realistic fiction novel about a high schooler named Craig Gilner who struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts. This story was a great read and for multiple reasons. Vizzini does a great job of making Craig, the protagonist, a very interesting character, and the novel itself is very relatable to anyone who is/was a student. Craig has many intriguing qualities that are hard to ignore

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    “People don't choose to be depressed, but they do make a choice about how to deal with it. You can choose to do nothing, but denying that you have a problem will only make you feel worse.” It’s Kind Of A Funny Story takes you through the difficulties of a teen named Craig, the main character. In the book, Craig suffers from depression and suicidal thoughts. This causes him to check himself into a hospital where his journey begins. At the hospital, Craig meets a girl named Noelle who he is interested

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Kaleb Marquardt Mrs. Hinrichs English 1 Feb 29, 2024 It’s Kind of a Funny Story You can make changes whenever you want in your life, until the end of your time. Have you ever thought about being yourself, and finding out who you are? Craig Gilner is stressed with adolescence, he is 16. He checks himself into a mental health center. His mentor is Bobby, someone he met while on his 5 day stay with adults. Craig eventually finds himself drawn to another teen. Noelle might be Craig’s cure for an unanswered

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini is about a teenager, Craig, and his stay in the psychiatric hospital that lasted five days. Beforehand Craig, the narrator, who suffers from depression talks about the events that lead up to his stay in the hospital. He talks about his family and his friends and the pressures of school which he deems the cause of his mental illness. Craig meets intriguing patients that he can relate to and that make him see life in a different way. It’s Kind of a Funny Story

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Anything to do with the word “adolescence” sucks. For 15-year-old Craig Gilner this is an inalienable truth. To him, it opens the floodgates of navigating friendships, rejection, and self doubt. Craig is the protagonist of It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini. It’s Kind of a Funny Story takes place in Manhattan, New York and is a memoir which recounts the events of Vizzini’s emotional decline under the guise of the protagonist. Craig becomes depressed, receives treatment, discontinues the use of his

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  • Decent Essays

    majority of people view mental asylums/institutions negatively due to how mental illness was treated badly in the past, as well as how some media makes them out to be. American Horror Story: Asylum, is a prime example of this, it plays on people's many fears and

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  • Decent Essays

    Title: It’s Kind of A Funny Story Author: Ned Vizzini, no I haven’t read any other books by this author but I would like to in the future. Type of Book: Fiction. People who like comedies and romance would like this book. I also think that people with problems similar to Craig’s would like this book a lot. Being able to relate to a book about a serious topic and still being able to laugh is pretty cool. The book is up front about real problems kids face but it is still a good story with humor.

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    Decent Essays